Chapter 8

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Yoongi knew the way to the cell where they kept their new prisoners. He disguised himself in the form of a guard and made his way to Hoseok. As he reached the dim lighted room, the first thing that caught his eyes were Hoseok's huge white wings. He was curled up inside it and sleeping rather peacefully.

"Hoseok!" Yoongi whispered, not wanting to alarm the guards outside, "Hoseok, wake up!"

Hoseok opened his eyes and looked at Yoongi with confusion. Yoongi feared that he might start shouting at him again and give away their position. But instead, Hoseok jumped to his feet in excitement and came to hug him through the bars.

"Oh, Yoongi!" Hoseok said, "I'm so sorry to have flown away like that. I was being irrational. I should have listened to you."

"Ssh!" Yoongi hushed him down, "We'll talk later. I'm going to get you out of here." Hoseok nodded.

Yoongi noticed that instead of regular lock in the bars, they had put a spell on it, which Yoongi knows pretty well how to undone. It would take some time but it could be done. Yoongi started to draw some letters in the air and they started to glow. The dark room was filled with colorful lights from them.

After almost half an hour, all the glowing letters merged into one and the door opened. Hoseok gasped at the sight of it. He was about to appreciate the skill when there was a clap in front of him behind Yoongi. Both of them yelped in fright.

Kim Joon-Hwi stood there along with his guards and wizards. "Welcome back, Min Yoongi." He said.

They had been caught. There was only one way Yoongi could delay their inevitable fate. Delay, but not wholly diminish it. Yoongi got inside the cell with Hoseok and produced a purple aurora all around it by a wave of his hand.

Kim Joon-Hwi and his guards looked puzzled. One of the wizards came forward and whispered something on Kim Joon-Hwi's ear. He let out a chuckle, "Are you trying to shield yourself inside that cell?"

Yoongi didn't answer. Kim Joon-Hwi shook his head, "How long do you think you can continue this way? You are now my prisoners. And I will get to you soon."

"If it weren't for my stupidity, we wouldn't have ended up in here

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"If it weren't for my stupidity, we wouldn't have ended up in here." Hoseok said.

"The fault is mine." Yoongi said, "I shouldn't have kept secrets from you."

They sat on the floor of the cell that was currently glowing through the light of the aurora produced by Yoongi. Two guards and a wizard were keeping watch at them.

Hoseok sighed deeply, "I learned what had happened to my friend. But I don't blame you. You did everything you could. It was his fate."

Yoongi couldn't bring himself to say anything. Hoseok continued, ''But I'm not as brave as he was. I can't take my own life. They...They will take away my wings. And then..." Hoseok suddenly burst into tears.

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