Chapter 9

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The sirens went off, making it hard to hear one another properly. They had come out of the tunnel. But there were guards and wizards all around, coming at them with their weapons.

Namjoon turned to Yoongi and shouted through the deafening noise of the alarm, "We will fight them. You search for Hoseok."

When Yoongi was about to leave, Namjoon grabbed his hand and added, "Look for Seokjin too." Yoongi nodded and ran towards the stairs.

Namjoon looked at the remaining members by his side, the latest to join their team, 'the golden trio' as they liked to call them. He tried to put on a smile on his face as he said, "No matter what happens today, know this; if we go down, we go down fighting!"

"Fighting!" Jimin and Jungkook shouted in union while Taehyung, being in his wolf form, howled. Then they all jumped on their enemies.

Namjoon spread out his huge black wings and took a flight. From above, he could clearly see everyone's position. Even though inside a building, it looked like a battle field. He thought to himself, "So, this is how it feels to be in a real battle."

Jungkook aimed for the guards with the wooden arrows first and started to disarm them one by one. Because of his amazing speed, the guards failed to catch up with him. But, the number of guards were too many for a single vampire to handle.

Namjoon got down with a huge force and caused some guards to fall back. He used his wings to disarm a bunch of them all at once. Jungkook looked at him in awe for a moment before going back to fight again. Despite their situation, it brought a smile on Namjoon's face.

The wizards and guards were mostly focusing on Jimin. But his swift movements helped him to escape their traps. He dodged almost every bullets being fired at him.

Taehyung, on the other hand, jumped at those Jimin had failed to notice. He attacked them suddenly, making them miss their targets.

They were handling it well until the 'Master of Shadow' appeared. They didn't notice his approach. He made his way directly to Jimin through the messy fight. Then, he placed his thumb on Jimin's forehead, making him still instantly.

 Then, he placed his thumb on Jimin's forehead, making him still instantly

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Jimin looked around in panic as his surrounding changed abruptly. Wherever he looked, all he could see were large trees. It didn't make any sense to him. How could he be teleported into a whole different place in a second?

"Jimin-ah!" a familiar voice spoke from behind him.

Jimin looked back at the owner of the voice. Even before he saw the face, he knew very well whom it belonged to. "Sarang?" he called, disbelief spread on his face as he looked at the person he once used to call the 'love of his life'.

The girl raised her hand towards him. Jimin reached to touch her hand, doubting that his hand might go right through it. But it was solid as it could be. Jimin sighed in relief.

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