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I make my way back to the comfort of my friends, Nate gets stolen halfway there and has to return to his duties so I sink in beside Tommy. Leaning against him with a huff, longing to rest my cheek on his shoulder but the stupid wig I'm trapped in is far too cumbersome.

"Having fun?" He asks, and I groan.

"Tons," I respond drily, checking in on the game the two of them are playing. I have no idea who's winning and I don't really care. I just keep replaying the horrible, incredible moment with Nate and try to stop cringing at the fact that everyone saw it.

"Fancy a dance?" Tommy offers, turning from his position on the bench to see me.

"Only if we dance in the garden," I say, being surrounded by people does not appeal.

"Wouldn't that be a bit romantic?" He offers me a cheeky grin and I can't help but laugh.

"Well, if there's no romance I'm not interested." I push his shoulder as he beams at me almost toppling back over the bannister into the rose bushes behind.

I'm laughing when the mood shifts around us. Adam stands up, the card game forgotten and Tommy - still struggling to catch his balance, stops laughing and forces himself up. I'm the last to stand, and only do so because clearly someone important is behind me. I turn and Queen Elissa, in all her tall, slim, impossibly beautiful glory surveys us with a frown.

"I would like to think" She starts, her voice clipped and refined, "that my son's friends would be more supportive than this. If he is to be King, he will need a close group he can rely on. Will that be you?" Her gaze sweeps across us and rests on me for a moment. "Charlotte, walk with me."

It takes me a moment to realise what she said, and a moment longer to join her as she descends the little steps into the garden. We move through the carefully manicured flower beds, lanterns hovering over them providing light and warmth. I know without looking that the men are watching, puzzled at this turn of events.

As we reach the pretty pagoda situated in the centre she stops and waits for me to join her. She then draws a small tube from her pocket and clicks it, around us the air stills until no sound penetrates and we are standing in complete silence. The sensation of magic rests on my skin. What is that?

It disappears before I can catch much more than a glimpse at it but it's obviously powerful and I have no doubt that our conversation will not be overheard.

"I saw you with my son." She says. He's always her son until he does something she dislikes. I often think she'll only associate with someone when they're useful.

"Yes, your highness." I dip my head with what I hope is respect.

"It was highly inappropriate."

I stare at the floor, willing it to swallow me up.

"What were you doing?" She continues, her light blue eyes meeting my own.

"He was teasing me. He pretended he was going to give a speech."

"About?" She prompts and I search for something.

"He said he was going to ask if anyone wanted to dance with me." I invent a story for her and am pleased when it sounds plausible.

"You were speaking before that, he looked very serious." She continues and I realised she'd been watching us for a while.

"There was a lynching last night, a Fae was murdered, we were discussing the news that the soldiers haven't been arrested."

She breathes in, her lip curled in an ugly scowl. I'd forgotten the rule about ignoring the Fae's existence when in her company. I glance down at the floor, her dress is dripping in jewels so fine they must be magically made, her white wig looks frosted up close and her crown sparkles against it beautifully.

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