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I'm struggling to fasten up my gown when the door opens and Florence walks in. She immediately sets to fixing the mess I've made of my dress and making me look presentable.

"You're needed next door." She says and I hear the tension in her voice. "You shouldn't go wandering around."

I glance at her in the mirror.

"Is everything alright?" I ask.

"They say the King was murdered."

I nod. "I heard. It's awful."

"They're saying it was you." Florence meets my eyes in the mirror. "Be careful."


She nods and looks to the secret door as it opens, a guard steps through and beckons me in. I stand, reaching to my neck checking Inkspot is with me, my racing heart settling when I feel his cool silk in my hair.

My hands are sweating so I run them down my skirt, hearing Florence's sharp tsk as she notices. Without further ado though I force myself forward, through the door and into Nate's room.

These aren't the Kings apartments, they must be Nate's new ones and they join on to mine. Interesting.

Where my rooms are touched in gold, his are bronze with a dark blue and grey theme. I like them.

Nate is sitting at a large desk, his back to me as he signs something and then seals the letter, handing it to a secretary waiting beside him. He stands and turns, closing the desk and locking it with a key he places in his pocket. I don't need to notice these things anymore, I remind myself. I'm not going to use that information. He nods to the valet and we're left alone.

I want to apologise for hurting him, but as I'm searching for the words Nate begins to speak.

"We don't seem able to break the curse." His hand is at his chest, the place where the binding sits. "Plus, the marriage is unbreakable without serious cause, and so many people think we've been lovers for years that claiming it's unconsummated will get us laughed at."

Curse? Unbreakable? Lovers? What?

His words throw my intention to apologise out of the window.

"So, for now, we need to find a way to make this work." He motions to a table set up by the fireplace. There's food and lots of paperwork. I'm confused.

"Is this a peace summit? Or a dinner date?" I ask as he pulls out my chair for me.

"A little of both. I know you don't think well on an empty stomach."

"Erm, I think perfectly regardless of my...is that honey roast ham?" I may be a little hungry.

Nate smiles, letting me help myself as he moves his papers around, throwing some on the floor beside his chair to free up space for himself.

I plate up a little of everything and start eating, pausing as Nate gives me a look so much like an old matron that I can't help but laugh.

"Oh come on, we're not being formal here, are we?" I challenge and he shakes his head.

"It's our first meal as a married couple." He shrugs.

I place my fork down as my cheeks flush, the stupid fire's definitely too hot.

He smiles at me as he adds roast potatoes to his plate. There are potatoes soaked in garlic butter by my side and I offer them, curious about his reaction.

He shakes his head politely and I set them down. Interesting. Not that it proves anything.

"Why are we having a meal?" I ask. "This afternoon in the hallway..."

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