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We walk into the hut a few seconds behind Will and are met with a number of other Fae. Nate keeps an arm's length from me, which I notice but don't dwell on.

"She's the Captain's daughter." Will announces and a troll who takes up a whole bench by the fire huffs, reaching into his pocket and tossing a coin to Will who smiles accepting it. Have they been betting on our identities?

"Which makes him the King," Freya says from a table opposite, she smiles as a woman with shocking purple hair places a coin in her outstretched hand.

"A little healthy gambling," Will says in explanation and I nod. "So..."

The word hangs in the air and I realise we need to say something, I just don't know what. I look to Nate, who glances at me, then looks back to our audience.

"Give them a drink." The troll says, his voice warm and deep. I like trolls. A memory of the rock troll from the Shipwreck floods my mind and I smile.

Drinks are poured and we are ushered into seats around the large table taking up most of the space in the room.

"This is where we eat, a dining hall, if you like" Freya explains and I nod, it's a little crowded with the 6 of us so I can't imagine they have guests all that often.

"Is she a Shadow Mage then?" Purple hair asks and I look at Will.

"No." He answers with certainty. "But, she has a shadow sprite familiar."

I reach for Inkspot who has slipped back into my hair and seems to be peering out in a cat disguise, eyeing up the raven on Will's shoulder. Would he try to steal Jack away from Will? Would he be able to?

"Don't you dare," I whisper at him and he slips back into my hair.

"They're a powerful pair." Will admits and I smile surprised by that, I glance at Nate and find he's watching me. I try the bind to see what he's feeling but can't seem to figure it out. Maybe that's the feeling. He's trying to figure it out.

"How powerful?" She asks, and there seems to be a hidden point to her question. She's asking for more than just a judgement on my power.

Will's eyes darken as they settle on her, undeterred the purple haired girl sits back, taking his non-answer as confirmation of something. I'm struggling to keep up.

As if remembering we are here, she bursts out of her silent conversation.

"What are we doing?" She asks the group and by the tired reactions of the others, I deduce this is not the first time she's had an outburst like this.

"We're doing the right thing," Freya says and the Troll nods.

"We're harbouring the Ex-King and Queen of Albion, who are being hunted by the other Queen of a country that hates us." She was angry and I totally understood.

"I don't want to cause trouble. We can leave. Thank you so much for everything you've done so far for us." I move to push my chair back but Will shakes his head.

"No, your father wants me to keep you safe." He turns to the purple-haired girl, "Veva you know the plan. We keep them safe, we get them to the camp."

Purple hair is Veva, good to know.

"The Captain is soft coz it's his daughter. This is going to end badly. Mixing with royalty never ends well." She says staring at Will who avoids her gaze while I glance at Nate trying to gauge his reaction, he's completely neutral. Great.

"Come on, Ve', they could change everything, if we give them a reason to." Freya says, looking up from her knitting.

"There is already a reason to change, we are dying, they are killing us and it is wrong."

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