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The morning after Elissa fell dawns with a hint of spring in the air. Something in the warmth of the sun, or the quality of light makes me believe perhaps soon the snow will melt for the last time and we'll start to see the bright colours of spring. I lie for a while staring at the ceiling, trying to make sense of my feelings. I am hurt; everyone I love has used me, betrayed me or manipulated me. I'm also relieved, sad, and so full of longing for something I can't quite name.

Inkspot is sprawled in the fireplace, his milky eyes look at me as I shift in my bed. A fluttering draws my attention to a transparent dove who is perched on the mantelpiece, her feathers are ruffled and one of her wings looks weak but other than that she's perfect.


The name appears to me and she flutters over toward me in recognition of our new alliance. She isn't as strong as Inkspot, but I feel certain it will only take time. The sprites are up to something and I'm curious to find out what it might be.

Florence appears once the yellow light of dawn has merged into the full blue of day. She dresses me up as a Queen, informing me that the council has been called and that Nate is to inform them of Elissa's death. That the court will also be informed and I'm supposed to be available to answer questions.

He doesn't tell me himself, and although I don't want to see him, I want to vent my anger by telling him that. Tommy comes to collect me, awkward and uncomfortable, he still can't quite meet my eyes. I make sure the transparent chiffon sleeves cover the tops of my hands and leave my room ready to defend my choices.

Unfortunately, I don't have to.

By the time I reach the meeting room, Nate has explained the circumstances surrounding our return and Elissa's subsequent fall. The council accept his story with something akin to relief and I realise just how terrified people were of the old Queen.

With no outlet my frustration sits in my chest, pacing like a caged lion within me.

Wooden panels cover the walls of the meeting room giving it a warmth that most of the palace rooms lack. It's designed in a hexagonal shape which means you can see everyone and everyone can see you. There's an equality to the space I appreciate, however, spending a day being interrogated by a group of old men puts something of a negative connotation on the space.

I enter the room and Tommy indicates a seat beside Nate that I reluctantly take. He's standing, addressing the room.

"I'm still receiving reports based on the economic impact the closures will have but I'm hopeful that we can bring this shameful business to an end." He says, sitting down and glancing at me.

"We can't simply stop the industry, Your Majesty." A grey-haired man in a business suit says standing. "I understand the moral complexities but many of the works that have been put into place over the past decade rely on magic." He sits and there are murmurs of support throughout the room.

Nate stands again, "I'm not suggesting we cut the industry off immediately, I suggest we work with the Fae to find new ways of manipulating the magic. Surely we don't need to cause the near collapse of a Fae creature in order to bottle enough magic to light a streetlamp. We should give them jobs, create a world where they work alongside us, perhaps there are more productive means of utilising their powers."

I know he's speaking their language but King Nathaniel is cold. I remember the things he'd said to Elissa, had he meant them, or had it all been an act to give me time to stop her?

He's reaching the businessmen in the room though. I can see them nodding and muttering to one another, agreeing with him. Slowly my anger subsides as I see the world he's going to build come to life.

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