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I wake to a loud bang as a door slams open. I sit up, wiping my arm across my face in case I'd drooled in my sleep, and feel Inkspot disappear into my hair.

A guard appears at my cell door, and I hear another set of boots on the stones outside. Rubbing my eyes I stand as Laya comes into view, she looks exhausted as she nods to a guard to open my cell door.

"There's to be a trial." She says, "I'm supposed to take you there."

"Then let's go," I speak, seeing her indecision, I can't have her risk her career for me. She looks at me, her eyes large, searching me for something.

"What have you done?" Laya asks me.

"I didn't hurt the King, but, I told Nate about being his guard." I shrug, "Turns out, honesty is not the best policy."

"You were under orders, he can't hold that against you. I'll help you." She starts but I quickly stand, reaching the bars in one stride.

"Don't you dare." I shake my head vehemently, "There's more to all of this and I don't want you involved."

"Your father's last order was to help you." She looks bereft and lost. It scares me.

"I made choices Laya, and I stand by them." I shrug, "I'm a soldier."

Laya nods and straightens. "I was his soldier once too." She says and I sniff standing to my full height and shoving my shirt into my breeches.

"We should go." I step forward but Laya grabs my arm.

"No one can speak for you, the best we could do was say we didn't have anything to share. The Queen's men have been speaking to everyone, as far as I know, the guards and servants are keeping quiet. I don't know what else to do."

I offer up my best smile, "It's fine, if they have evidence against me, then, they have it." I feel strangely numb. "If you ever see my dad," I pause, what would I want him to know? "Tell him, I stand by my choices."

Laya nods and removes her hand. "I will."

She walks ahead of me and two guards fall in step beside me. One nudges my arm and I notice Lucius, he flicks his chin and I raise my own. Chin up. It was his constant advice when we were sparring, I take a breath and step into the yard as the morning light spreads its fingers across the cobblestones.

I don't know why I don't feel afraid, or nervous. If this is it, then this is it. I made my choice and now I have to meet the consequences. Ok, so I didn't kill the King but I was a spy and if this is karma or fate then I'll face it. Helping my dad had been the right choice. I was certain of it. Someone has to help the Fae and I had been able to, if that means execution, well...I don't let my mind go there.

We walk through the palace and several additional guards join us, each one offering me a nudge, a wink, a nod. I don't feel alone and that makes a world of difference. Servants bow their heads as I pass, and courtiers stare intrigued. It feels like a bizarre parade, I've never been so noticed.

The ballroom has been transformed into a courtroom, the Queen has certainly been busy. Rows of benches are laid out and courtiers from all over gather talking to one another, waiting for the show to start. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a performance.

They lead me to a platform in the centre of the room. It has wooden barriers around it that reach my waist and four guards take positions at its corners. The sun floods through the windows warming the room and it grows stuffy, especially standing there on display. More courtiers arrive and whispers become mutterings, which grow into a chaos of noise as it becomes clear the Queen is going to keep us waiting. I shift my weight back and forth, stretching my ribs which are now fully healed against all sense and reason.

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