Chapter 11

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I never had a single bad dream in my life until I moved to this town but I don’t think these are just dreams though. I believe they are memories but everything is so jumbled up that I am really confused right now but I want to remember everything that had happened to me in the past. I just need to find a way to remember but I don’t know how to do that.

The next day Ash woke up to the sound of her alarm going off and she quickly turned off the clock with a sigh as she got ready for the day. Once she was ready to go to school, Jimmy walked Ash to the bus stop where Jake was waiting for her. Jimmy quickly walked back to the house so he could take D to school while Ash and Jake waited for the bus to arrive so it could take them to school. Once they arrived at school, Ash couldn’t help but feel like she was being watched and she started to feel ankches but she slowly dismissed her feeling as she walked into the school and went to her locker for her things for class.

Jake smiled as he asked while standing next to Ash as she did her combonashion to her locker, “I am going to go to my locker, are you going to be alright waiting here for me?”

Ash smiled as she opened her locker, she pulled out eight large binder for each of her classes, a pencil case and a small purse with a checkerboard pattern on it. She slowly closed her locks and jumped as a man stood next to her.

Ash said in frustration as she placed her right hand on her chest, “Jeases crist, you scared the crap out of me.”

The strange man had dark blue eyes like a wolf, his brown hair was almost like the ground itself and his dark white skin surprised Ash as he looked at her.

He had a suspicious smile as he asked, “Sorry, I am new here and I was wondering if you knew how to get to Mis. Era’s class?”

Ash instantly felt unconvertible as she replied with a forced smile, “Um… Yeah, you just go down that hallway and take a right, then you keep going until you reached class A-twenty five.”

The man searched Ash’s eyes as he said with a blank expression, “Right, thanks Mis?”

Ash quickly said, “Ash, my name is Ash.

There was a long moment of silence before the man said, “Nice to meet you Ash, you can just call me Zinc. I hope we meet again, true blood.” 

Zinc quickly followed Ash’s directions and disappeared as he turned the corner as Ash watched nervously until she could no longer see him anymore.

Jake asked as he walked up to Ash, “Who was that?”

Ash instantly turned to face Jake as she replied with a hint of fear in her voice, “His name is Zinc and I don’t know why but I have a very bad feeling about him.”

Jake sighed as he said, “So, you got that feeling too. Don’t go near him unless you are with me or Jimmy alright.”

Ash smiled as she asked, “Alright but may I ask why?”

Jake replied, “I think he might be one of the werewolves on my roof that night. I think he wants something but until I find out what that is, I don’t want you to be near him when you are alone just in case his intentions are bad.”

Ash sighed as she said, “Alright, see you in geometry class.”

Jake smiled as he quickly walked down the hallway to his classroom while Ash quickly went to her history class with an exhausted yawn that came from her as she slowly walked to class. At the end of the day, Ash walked back to her locker to put her things away and grab her backpack. 

Jimmy stood by the locker and said in frustration, “Shit.”

Ash asked as she grabbed her backpack from her locker while closing the door and turned to look at Jimmy in confusion as she asked, “What’s wrong?”

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