The Boss is here!!

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Amber's POV

"The Boss is here!!" I heared a boy student shout and both me and Olivia turned our heads to the entrance of the lunch area. I saw 5 people entering with many people gathered around them. Girls and boys where taking photos with them but they ignored them and seem to just throw them out of the way.

"Who is that?? Who are they??" I asked Olivia who looked afraid. "They are a band called The Boss." Olivia said. "They are The Band known best in this school, have you heared of The Boss??" Olivia asked me and I looked at her. "No, I have not." I replied.

"Well then thats great, because for me I dont like them at all." Olivia said. "Why??" I asked her curiously. "Well they are a group of mean people who beats people for fun or if someone wants to challenge them into a fight which is scary." Olivia said. "Tell me about them, will you??" I asked Olivia and Olivia just simply nodded.

"Sullivian is a model, he is the cute boy of the group. His father works as a CEO of a huge clothing brand which he has to model for. He is also the pianist of The Band. He smiles often and is super friendly asides when there is a fight. He is known the happy one on the group. He likes milktea and he is closer to a member his name is Coeur."

"Coeur is the richest one on the group. His father owns a brand of technologies like computers, laptops, phones, televisions, printers and more. His father also owns a food company which is currently getting plenty of sales because they just released a new product. He is known as the rich one on the group. He is the drummer of The Band."

"Cordelia is a reader and a writer of the group. She oftens read or write stuff but rarely shows what she is reading or writing. Her father owns a furniture company. She is the cold one on the group. She is the guitarist of The Band."

"Erika is a swimmer and she really is good at it. She won multiple swimming awards. Her father owns a gym and a hotel. She is the serious one on the group. She is the bass of The Band."

"Blake is a player, not just a player on games but even your hearts. But he stopped playing with other peoples feelings years ago. His father owns this school and 2 other companies which is a drink brand and a school supply brand. He is known as the mean one on the group. He is the singer and the leader of The Band."

"I heared that they are adopted but I dont think thats true. There is also a rumor that they got this attitude from their parents. Also their parents use to be a group of happy friends. When the father and the mother of Coeur was about to be married. all 5 of them and their parents were invited. The fathers where gonna have a batchelors party while the mothers will have a batchelorette party. When the mothers where having a car ride to the batchelorette party area, the car lost control and it crashed. All 5 of the mothers died on that crash leaving the 5 of them with only their fathers." Olivia said explaining it.

I was obviously left shocked from what happened to them and their parents. "Thanks for the info, Olivia." I said and Olivia nodded as she put a spoon filled with rice on her mouth.

"The Boss!! When is your next concert here??" A girl asked them. "The Boss here!! The Boss there!! Gosh those The Boss members are not even good looking!!" A boy said to his friend which his friend did the shush sign to him by putting his index finger on his mouth.

"Shush they might hear you gosh!!" The other boy said. "Nah, they are too deaf to hear that." The boy said laughing to his friend. His friend then suddenly looked pale and did a nervous laugh while seems like sweating??

"D-dont say that, pal!!" The friend of the boy said. "And why no-" The boy waa cutted off by someone grabbing his collar and lifting him up.

"What did you say about, me and my friends??" Blake said gripping the boy by his collar. "I- im sorry!! I was kidding. I like jokes dont we all like jokes, I was just joking!!" The boy said with fear running upon his eyes.

Blake didnt hesitate and threw The boy to a table beside him as the boy flew to the table, the students sitting there ran away before they could get hit by the boys flying body.

"You trying to mess with me?? With us??" Blake said while fast walking to the boy and the table that he threw the boy at.

"No!! Im joking, please please dont do this." The boy begged as he tried to stand up from his current laying down position. Blake went closer to the boy and grabbed him by the collar again as the rest of The Boss members follow from behind.

"Please please, forgive me please!! Ill do anything just forgive me!!" The boy begged them. "Well then, ill forgive you but in one condition." Blake said. "What is it Blake?? Anything anything for you." The boy said as Blake let go of his collar.

"Meet us in the woods later on the back of the school. Got that boy?!?!" Blake shouts and the boy nodded with fear. "Good, whats your name??" Blake asked. "Ivan, Ivan is my name." The boy said scared. "Okay, Ivan ill see you later." Blake said as he walked with the other The Boss members and sat on their golden chairs to eat their packed lunch.

I felt irritated that no one dared helping the boy yet I think I know why. If you interfere I think you will dragged along that fight and they are one scary mess up group.

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