Future son-in-law

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Amber's POV

I was walking with Trisha and Olivia when someone approached me. "Hey, Amber." Blake said. "H-hi, Blake." I said nervously because so many people were gathered around us and watching.

"You look pretty today, everyday." Blake said as he held my hand and kissed it. Why am I not avoiding this at all, I hate him but why does my body not want to avoid him or even punch him. Im starting to worry as more people gathered around us.

"Make way, The Boss is here!!" A boy student shouts as the students make way for The Boss to walk through. The Boss walked towards us and watched us from the crowd.

"Well, my friends are here Amber." Blake said. "Would you like to come with us??" Blake said putting his hand out. "N-no thanks." I said nervously. "Okay, ill see around Amber." Blake said smiling then left us. The crowd soon went away but I can hear people whispering about what just happened.

"W-why did he talk to you??" Olivia said. "I-" I was cutted off by Trisha. "I knew it!! From the day of the concert I knew he likes you already!!" Trisha shouts. "What happened during the concert or at the concert of The Boss??" Olivia said and she seemed really worried about it and seems afraid.

"Well, he asked for our names and before we left Blake called on Amber and made friends with her." Trisha said. "Ahh.... Alright." Olivia said. We walked to our class while people whisper around us. I sat on my seat and prepared for the class.

"Hey you, you think you have a chance with my boyfie Blake??" A girl asked me. "U-uh I dont think you understand." I said. "Understand what??" The girl said to me and she looked kinda furious.

"Well, im not interested at him at all." I said. "Whatever." The girl said as she walked away and sat on her seat.

- Lunch Time -

I walked with Trisha and Olivia to the lunch area and ate our lunch while chatting with eachother. "Hey!! Amber." Blake said. "Ill sit right here!!" Blake said sitting beside me and pushing Olivia away.

"Hey whats wrong with you!! Dont push my friend away." I told Blake and Blake looked unbothered at all, not one bit. "Ahh, whatever." Blake said. "Im sorry." Blake continued as he turned his head to Olivia.

"Here." Blake said as he reached into his pocket and threw money at the face of Olivia. "Hey!! Whats wrong with you!!" I shout that caught some peoples attention.

"Come on, its my apology gift to her." Blake said. "Now, lets continue eating." Blake said as Olivia stood up from the floor and sat beside Trisha.

"Well, Blake do you know if Sullivian likes anyone??" Trisha asked. "Well yes, Sullivian does not like anyone. You have a chance with him." Blake said and Trisha seems so happy. "Okay thanks Blake huge thanks!!" Trisha said as her face turned mostly red.

"No problem." Blake said. We finished eating our lunch and went back to our classroom.

- After Class -

"Wanna walk home together??" Olivia asked. "Sure!!" I said. "Okay!!" Trisha said. We went out of the school and was about to walk when someone stopped me by holding my shoulder.

"Hey, Amber." Blake said. "May I walk home with you??" Blake asked me. "But im-" I was cut off by Trisha. "Go on!!" Trisha shouts as she grabbed the arm of Olivia and walkes to the other direction.

"Well then, lets go." Blake said. We were walking to my place when Blake stopped. "Look at the cute keychains!!" He shouts as he went near the shop with the cute keychains on the stand. "You want them??" I asked.

"Yes!! Lets buy some!!" Blake said. Blake was so different outside school. We bought a panda keychain and a lion keychain. We walked out of the shop and continued walking. "Pandas are cute, dont you think." Blake said. "Yes." I said.

"Animals are really great, I dont think us humans deserve them." Blake said. "I really want to save animals, its a reason why I chose Architecture." Blake continued. "Why did you not choose Vet??" I asked Blake and he seemed happy enjoying the walk.

"Well, truth is I only say that because my father wants me to take Architecture. Me and my friends parents are all Architects. They met in college, just our dads tho." Blake said.

"But I found that, it can be useful to help animals in Architecture by building houses for different types of animals." Blake said. Blake seems so nice, what happened to the Blake I know at school. "Your not this nice at school, who even are you??" I asked.

"I can act freely like this when im outside the school. I only act like that, but im planning to start being nicer and start a new self at school. Ill stop fighting other fellow students for small reasons." Blake said. "Wow, thats great Blake." I said and Blake smiled at me.

"Well here is my stop, wanna come in my house and have a drink??" I asked Blake and Blake nodded a no. "No need, ill go home now too. I will see you tomorrow." Blake said while waving at me. "Okay bye!! Be careful." I said as I waved back. I saw Blake walked further and further away from my house.

I walked into my house and my mom was looking at me. I got shocked when I saw her there. "Whos that??" My mom asked me. "He is my friend from school, mom." I said. "Are you sure just a friend?? He seems so boyfriend material." Mom said.

"Mom!! He is just my friend okay??" I said and mom laughed a little bit. "If you say so, when will I see my future son-in-law again huh??" Mom said. "Mom!! Stop that I said he is just my friend!!" I shout and me and my mom laughed.

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