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Coeur's POV

We drove to the place where we will have a few drinks at. We arrived and went in the place and sat.

"Whats for you four??" The bartender spoke. "Give me that one." I said as I point at a clear bottle filled with yellow drink. "Okay, and for you other three??" The bartender spoke.

"We will have that aswell please." Sullivian said. "Okay!!" The bartender said. The bartender served us our drinks and we began drinking. "Hey wait." Sullivian said.

"Huh??" Erika said. "Isn't that like, Amber??" Sullivian said pointing at a girl. Turns out the girl is Amber and she is also here to... Drink?? "I guess so maybe." Cordelia said.

She looks like she already have been drinking since a while ago since her appearance. "Dont mind her already." I said and we continued drinking.

All of a sudden people started screaming and I looked and saw Amber.

"Hey girl!! How dare you throw your glass at me??" A strong looking tall boy said. "Dare not speak now??" The strong looking tall boy continued. Amber sat back at her seat and grabbed more glass cups and throw it at the boy and his friends.

"Okay, stop." The boy said angrily. "Okay, girl thats it." The boy said as he started walking towards Amber with his fists ready to punch. "I think he is about to hit Amber." Sullivian said. "I can see that." Erika replied.

"Well what do we do??" Sullivian asked. "Help her, its the least we can do for a apology from Blake so lets go." Cordelia replied. We stood up from our seats and went up to the boy and his friends.

"Apologies, our friend here is stressed so she started throwing glass cups everywhere." Cordelia said. "Learn how to stop your friend, will you??" The boy asked Cordelia. "Yes sure, again you have my deepest apology."

Cordelia said as the boy stepped back. The boy was about to go back to his seat when Amber throwed another 2 glass cups at them. The boy turned around and looked at us with rage on his face.

"Thats it." The boy said then charged towards Amber hardly. Before Amber would get hit Erika grabbed him from behind which lead both the boy and Erika to fall backwards.

The boys friend began to try to attack Amber but Sullivian and Cordelia was fighting them back. A boy punched Sullivian on the face which lead Sullivian falling backwards.

Cordelia got tackled to the ground by a boy. Two boys began to run towards Amber.

I ran to Amber and I grabbed her and covered her with my body. I was holding her head tighly and I noticed Amber fell asleep. Why must she fall asleep during a time like this.

I held her tightly using my body as a shield for her. I carried her while some boys were chasing me. I ran towards the exit but was still being chased by some boys.

Sullivian then tackled a boy and the boy began punching Sullivian over and over on the face. Cordelia grabbed the boy who was punching Sullivian and threw him by the hair.

Erika then stepped on his face as he cried for help from his friends. The boy then grabbed the feet of Erika and held it tightly which made Erika let his face go.

Cordelia grabbed a chair and threatened them to back away or she will hit them with it. Sullivian kicked a boy at his stomach which lead the boy to fall hard om his back.

I manage to successfully got out of the place while carrying Amber who was sleeping well. "Gosh you are asleep." I whispered to Amber.

Sullivian, Cordelia and Erika got out of the place and they had a few scars and bruise but nothing major. It was already night time so we decided to just go home since we probably wont go back in there today with all the things we caused.

"I already payed for the damages and the drinks." Erika said. "Thanks." I said. We walked to our cars and drove home.

We got home and went up to our door. "Wait.... Blake might be awake there." I said stopping Sullivian from opening the door. "Right...." Sullivian said as he put his keys away.

"Lets stick together and act really stupid or whatever." I said. "Good idea." Sullivian said. "Here." Erika said as she pulled me closer to Cordelia.

I placed Amber inside our coat and Jacket while carrying her. Cordelia was carrying the feet of Amber while I carried the head of Amber. We began to walk in the house while Erika and Sullivian stand infront of us to help cover the body of Amber which is so hard to carry while hiding it under our coat and jacket.

We kept walking and we saw Blake glaring at us. "Where did you four go huh?!?!" Blake shouted. "Us?? Who??" Cordelia said. "You four, where did you go." Blake said.

"To I dont know wonderful world." Erika said. "We are a team, we are not allowed to break formation." Sullivian said. "Keep it moving now!!" I shout. "Yes sir!!" Erika, Cordelia and Sullivian shouts. We walked pass Blake who was still glaring at us.

We got to my room since it was the nearest room upstairs. Me and Cordelia has our rooms just infront of eachother.

We placed Amber on my bed and after that Erika layed on the floor Sullivian sat on the floor and Cordelia layed on my bed beside Amber who is still sleeping with all that happened.

I sat on. my rug and rested for a while. "Ill go to my room now." Cordelia said as she stood up from my bed. "Me too." Erika said. "Me too, goodnight Coeur." Sullivian said and they walked out of my room.

I closed the door and they went to their own rooms. I took the shoes of Amber off her and placed it on the floor. I grabbed a few pillows and blankets and slept on the sofa in my room.

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