Break up

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Cordelia's POV

I watched as Amber chased after Olivia. Wow, Amber you wasted such a good friendship. I feel really bad for her specially now that she chose Blake over her friend. I started walking back to the group.

- After Class -

We got to our cars and I waited to talk about it at home. We started driving off from the school and into the house. We arrived at the house and we parked our cars. We locked our cars and went straight inside our house.

"Wait, Blake I need to talk to you." I said. "Yeah okay." Blake said as he sat down on the sofa. The other The Boss members sat at the sofa too wanting to know what im about to tell Blake probably from curiosity.

"Well, so you should stop playing with her feelings." I said. "Who Amber??" Blake asked. "Yes Amber." I said. "Pfft why." Blake said. "She loves you truly, and your just playing around with her." I said. "I dont really care." Blake said. "Well you should, I can tell your horrible." I said.

"Dont care." Blake said. "Amber chose you over her friend, Olivia." I said. "So?? Aint my problem." Blake said. "Olivia told Amber about Hammy and you dating before and Amber and Olivia are no longer friends because of you." I said.

"Wow, okay." Blake said. "I will be honest, I think Cordelia is correct." Coeur said as he stood beside me. "Wow, now your taking her side??" Blake said. "Yes I am, you should really stop playing with her feelings." Coeur said. "No." Blake said.

"Dont worry, im only keeping this up for a week." Blake said. "Can you stop this." Sullivian said as he stood beside me and Coeur. "Look, ill do my thing and you do yours." Blake said as he stood up from the sofa and walked away.

- 1 Week Later -

"Lets break up, Amber." Blake said as me and the other members of The Boss watches from behind. "W-what??" Amber said.

"Simply, we are done." Blake said. "Why??" Amber said. "I dont like you, I was just playing." Blake said. Amber started to cry and more and more tears fell from her eyes.

"Was everything we had all fake??" Amber said. "Yes, Amber." Blake said. "Was all your kind personality fake aswell??" Amber asked.

"Well, obviously I had to keep that fake act for more than a month." Blake said. "You lied." Amber said. "No, I was playing." Blake said.

"Y-you you are lying." Amber said. "Well, you should have just listened to your dear friend Olivia." Blake said.

"I guess your really just a fool." Blake continued. "I thought you liked me atleast." Amber said. "Like you?? Thats what all of them say." Blake said.

"You really are bad." Amber said. "Yes, I guess I am huh??" Blake said. Amber fell on her knees as Blake walked away signaling us to follow him from behind.

We followed Blake while I can hear Amber crying. We went back to our house using our cars to get home. Erika stopped her tracks and glared at Blake really bad.

"What??" Blaked asked. "You, as much as we are friends with you I still cant believe you did this again. We agreed before that you would stop this and now you are doing it all over again." Erika said.

"So?? Dont really care." Blake said. "You never really felt heart broken ever before right because you are the handsome boy right??" Coeur said. "Yes, and maybe even never will." Blake said.

"You should really know that playing with feelings is not cool. You are the immature one here in our group, The Boss." Coeur continued. "Yea, Jerk." Sullivian said.

All of a sudden the eyes of Blake stared right at Sullivian. "What did you dare call me??" Blake shouts before he tackled Sullivian. "Dont you dare touch my bestfriend." Coeur shouts before he grabbed Blake by his hair and toss him away from Sullivian.

"Ah, so thats how you wanna play." Blake said. Blake then attacked Coeur which Coeur tried avoiding the hit but failed. Coeur fell back from the punch on his face.

"Stop that." I said. "Your trying to join the fight??" Blake said while ready to punch me.

I stepped backwards while Blake was stepping forward towards me. Blake swang his arm and I closed my eyes but then I felt like nothing hit me. I opened my eyes to see Erika holding the hand of Blake really tightly.

"Enough already." Erika said. Blake swang his arm which made Erika let go of her grip. Sullivian then grabbed the arm of Blake and punched Blake on the face. I walked up to Blake and looked directly at his eyes. "Stop it, will you??" I said.

"Stop nothing." Blake said as he used his feet and swang it to my feet which made me trip and fall to the ground. Coeur and Sullivian grabbed Blake said held him to the wall. "Gosh just let me go." Blake said trying to wiggle away from Coeur and Sullivian's grip.

"No." Sullivian said. "Let go!!" Blake said. I stood up and walked towards Blake. "Blake, stop." I said. "Dont care!!" Blake shouts then Coeur and Sullivian let go of him.

Blake walked out with rage on his face. "Gosh, Blake is so immature at these times." Coeur said. "Yeah." Sullivian said. "I hate him so much, he is such a pain for everyone in here right now!!" Coeur said.

"Its okay Coeur, he will be mature soon." I said. "Mature?? Soon?? Him?? Blake?? No way!! I dont believe he will be mature soon." Coeur said. "Calm down." Erika said.

"How can I calm down with his behavior??" Coeur said. "Just chill." I said. "Okay, im sorry ill keep calm." Coeur said. Coeur was taking a deep breath trying to calm down with each breath he takes.

"Lets go get some drinks to keep calm, shall we??" Sullivian said. We nodded and walked out of our house and into our car to drive off to the place.

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