Sleep here

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Amber's POV
"You can do this." I told to myself before I enter the school. I entered the school and I can see a few people looking and glaring at me.

Some were just doing their thing and miding their own business. Some might not know about the whole trouble I caused on The Boss, some maybe know about it and glares at me for it. I was near my classroom when I saw Olivia with Trisha.

"Olivia!!" I shout and Olivia turned and saw me and immidietly walked off trying to avoid me. I hold onto the shoulder of Olivia. Olivia smacked my hand away from her shoulder and glared at me. "Im sorry." I said.

Olivia still ignored me and Trisha looked half concerned and half angry. "Im sorry I chose Blake over you." I said.

"I see you finally realise what a player Blake is." Olivia said. "Yes, im sorry for not believing you Olivia." I said. "I know the fact you regret it, but I cant forgive you. I went through so much over our friendship being over. I had to take in alot for your relationship with Blake, it was hard for me." Olivia said. "I understand, im sorry." I said. Olivia and Trisha walked away and Trisha turned her head towards me while walking with Olivia.

Trisha did the 'Im Sorry' look to me and She looked Guilty. I then realised why, because she always supported and made sure me and Blake would go out. I was about continue walking to my classroom when I heared a name call me.

"Amber!!" A boy voice shout. That boy that I heared seems familiar, That man voice sounded like.... Sullivian?? I turned my head around and saw The Boss walking towards me. "Hey!!" Sullivian shouts waving at me.

I can see people shocked and talking about me. "H-hi??" I said obviously confused. "Come with us, we are friends now right??" Sullivian said. "Huh??" I said. Blake slowly tilt his head to my ear.

"I dont like this, but since my friends wants to be your friends I have no choice. Just join us Amber, pretend im just a cool friend of yours." Blake said and then he slowly tilt his head back to his friends. "Okay." I said. "Friends." I said really akwardly.

"So, after class do you wanna come over??" Cordelia asked. "Sure...." I replied. I can hear people whispering around us. I was about to walk to my classroom with The Boss when I saw someone. I saw Olivia glaring at me from a few classrooms away.

Olivia then walkes away and I felt guilty. I walked with The Boss and went in my classroom after I said goodbye to The Boss members.

- After Class -

I walked towards The Boss and walked beside Cordelia. "Why are you four befriending me??" I asked. "We are not befriending you, we really wanna be your friend. We want a fresh start with you and dont worry we talked Blake through it." Cordelia whispered. "Okay, thanks." I whispered back suspiciously.

"Im riding my motor today." Cordelia said. "The car im riding is a 2 seater and me and Blake will sit together." Sullivian said. "Im also riding my motor today." Erika said. "I guess, you will ride with me today??" Coeur said offering his car seat. I nodded and opened his car and sat.

"Honestly, I really think you and I will get along really well and good." Coeur said. I did a small nervous laugh as Coeur drove off. We arrived at their place and I sat on their sofa.

"Lets hang out together tomorrow!!" Blake shouts. "Yes thats really nice." Erika said. "Well, are you available tomorrow Amber??" Coeur asked. "Uhh yea." I said. "Right, we have to bring her." Blake said.

"I dont need to go if you dont want to." I said. "You should, dont let him get to you." Coeur said. "Okay." I said. We talked a few topics and turns out we had alot in common.

Blake and I both like a specific movie that most people dislikes. Me and Coeur both likes cupcakes. "Since you really like cupcakes, want me to teach you how to bake them??" I asked. "Yes!!" Coeur shouts. "When??" I asked. "Hmm, maybe next week??" Coeur asked. "Sure." I said.

"Ill buy ingridients, just message me the ingridients." Coeur said. "Speaking of message, what is your number??" Coeur asked. We exchanged numbers and I placed all five of their numbers on my phone contacts.

We had more talks and chats with nice topics everywhere. I did not know I would ever be this happy being with a group of mean people. They dont seem mean if I actually get to know them more.

They seem so kind and nice hearted in the inside. "Its getting late, I think you should go home." Coeur said. "Yeah, I probably should." I said. "Cant you sleep here??" Sullivian said. "What??" I said very shocked.

The Boss?? Offering me to sleep at their place?? Cant believe it, is this real or a dream. Must be a dream right or maybe not.

"Yeah!! I mean it is late and its raining it would really be hard to drive with rain and it would give you a hard time walking back." Sullivian said. "Oh no, I can walk back." I said.

"No no, come stay." Sullivian said. "Okay, fine." I said. I grabbed my phone out of my bag. "But I will have to ask my mom." I said and they nodded except for Blake obviously.

I called my mom and she gave me the okay sign. We had some fun playing board games, card games and plenty more of games.

Eventually it was time to sleep because we still have school tomorrow. "You can sleep in either Erika, or Cordelia's room." Coeur said. "Okay, thanks." I said.

"You can sleep in my room, I have a sofa bed there in my room." Cordelia said and I simply nodded. "Yeah, I dont have a sofa bed anyways goodnight." Erika said.

"Good night." Coeur said. We said our goodnights to eachother and me and Cordelia went to her room.

Cordelia set up the sofa bed I will be sleeping on while my hands hold onto the clothes she is lending me for sleep. We said goodnight to eachother and went to sleep.

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