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Amber's POV

I was walking out of the school to go to The Boss house to teach Coeur to bake cupcakes when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me.

It was Blake, Blake did the shush sign with his hands by putting his index finger on his lips. "Look, I have realised my mistake im sorry." Blake said.

I was shocked yet confused and Blake did not look like he is faking it. It could be one of his fake side again so I was not comfortable with his act.

"I figured that, if we did not have such a horrible backstory together then we would have been great friends." Blake continued. Im assuming he means about how he hurted me and played with me.

"Im really sorry, Amber." Blake said. "I want us to start over." Blake continued. "Okay, but promise me one thing." I said. "Sure, whats on your mind huh??" Blake said. "Please dont ever play with anyones feelings ever again." I said and Blake laughed slightly. "Okay, deal." Blake said and we smiled.

"Well, im guessing you will go to our house??" Blake asked. "Yes, im going to teach Coeur how to bake cupcakes." I said. "Ah, I see okay lets go." Blake said. We were walking when I stepped on my shoe lace and I tripped. I closed my eyes to be prepared to fall to the hard concrete cold floor but I did not.

I opened my eyes and saw I landed at Blake. Blake was holding both my arms while my face was just below his chin. I quickly retreated from our position and Blake looks a little bit, red. He probably felt embarassed thats why his face was red.

Blake's POV

She tripped and I immidietly caught her before she fell. Holding her arms tightly and our faces close to each other. Wow, Amber looks really good from this close. Amber quickly backed away from me and I could not help but find her pretty.

Whats wrong with me!! I dont like her. "Im sorry." Amber said. "Its okay." I said as I kneel down and tied her shoe lace for her. "There, now you wont trip cause of your shoe lace." I said. "Thankyou Blake." Amber said. We continued walking to where my car was parked. We got to my car and I unlocked it. We got in my car and I drove us to our house.

Coeur's POV

She is finally here, I cant wait to bake some cupcakes. Amber and Blake entered the house together. Amber said goodbye to Blake and Blake said goodbye to Amber.

Amber ran to me and saw all the ingridients I have prepared for us to use to bake. "Hi, thats alot of ingridents you got there." Amber said. "Yea, here is your apron." I said handing her a purple and blue apron with a 'im cool' text written on it.

"Im cool huh, thanks." Amber said. "Lets start." I said. Amber grabbed the butter and pointed on the sugar beside me. I grabbed the sugar and gave it to her.

Amber took a bowl and took a mixing tool aswell. She opened the butter and also opened the sugar. She gave me the bowl and placed the butter and sugar in it. "Mix it." Amber said. I started mixing as she add eggs and Vanilla on a seperate bowl.

- Time Skip -

We finished baking our first batch of cupcakes and Amber gave me the chance to put it out the oven. I took the cupcakes out of the oven and it was burnt. Amber started laughing and I could not help but to laugh aswell.

We kept repeating the process and I kept hoping it would not be burnt. First try burnt, second try it was soggy, third try it was really dry, fourth try finally it was something you can call perfect.

"Yess!! Great job Coeur!!" Amber shouts as she hugs me from joy. I felt a smile crawling up to my face. I placed the cupcakes down to the counter. "Time for the icing." Amber said. There was multiple colors of icing on the table.

"You choose your design and colors." Amber said. I decided I would make these cupcakes colored each for my friends personality or vibes. I finished putting the icing on all 6 of the cupcakes.

"Lets serve it to The Boss." Amber said and I nodded slowly. We walked to the sofa where Sullivian, Erika, Cordelia and Blake was playing a card game at. "The cupcakes are ready!!" I said.

They stopped playing the cards as I placed the cupcakes at the table. "This is for you." I said as I gave Blake his cupcake. "I have meanings for each of the cupcake." I said.

"Blake, you got red because you are such an easy person to make mad. So for short your a red head." I said and Blake looks like he is about to explode.

"Woah woah, calm down you seem like your about to prove the cupcake right." Cordelia said. Blake silently sat back at his seat and ate the cupcake. "This is for you." I told Sullivian as I hand him a yellow cupcake.

"Yellow cupcake for you Sullivian, because you are so happy often. You are like the sunshine of the group The Boss. Then you also are blonde so yea its yellow for you." I said. Sullivian ate his cupcake and it looks from his face he loved the cupcake. "Here is yours Erika." I said as I gave Erika a black cupcake.

"Black cupcake for you because you are so serious I feel like if you keep being way too serious to others you would burn them till they are burnt." I said. Erika ate her cupcake and she still looks as serious as she is. "And here is yours." I said as I gave a blue cupcake to Cordelia.

"Blue cupcake for you because you are as cold as ice, you can be the ice princess." I said. Cordelia ate her cupcake and she really looks like she liked the cupcake.

"For you now Amber." I said as I gave her a pink cupcake. "You helped me bake them so pink cupcake for you. Wondering why, because I want to thank you for helping me bake these." I said and Amber accepted the pink cupcake happily.

"And mine is just orange because I felt happy baking these cupcakes with you." I said. We ate our cupcakes happily and had multiple chats together.

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