The Beginning of the End

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Hi everyone! I know I always apologies for not writing enough, but again, I am sorry. This will be the first chapter of the end of "Inside the Frozen Heart". My guess is this will be about 3 parts to tie things up, but if there's some questions you want answer, please comment and let me know! I can try to answer them in the upcoming chapters, or answer directly in the comments. Now, please enjoy the beginning of the end. I love you all! Now, enjoy the chapter!😁💕💕




(Y/n) - Your Name
(S/N) - Sibling's Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(F/N) - Father's Name
(E/C) - Eye Color
(L/N) - Last Name



Third Person POV

A Few Months Later

(Y/N) had spent the next few weeks locked up in her room having very few visitors. Mainly just food being brought to her room. Claudius, Lars, and a few of the other brothers would bring her food in to try and have a conversation with her. They all could see she wasn't doing well and wasn't taking care of herself like she should. She was losing weight at an unhealthy rate, and she was struggling to take baths and other hygienic needs.

Hans was even trying to help from a distance since his parents wouldn't allow him anywhere near her room. He would write letters to her every day telling her how much he loved her and just talking about his day. It was a comfort to him just as much as he thought it was comforting her. Sadly, she never responded to a single letter.

The boys were over her suffering, so they started visiting her every day and wouldn't leave until she finished most of her food. They would come and get a bath made for her to help take some of the struggles away.

Over the weeks it slowly started to help and make a difference in raising her spirits. She was starting to feel like herself again. She even started responding to Hans' letters which had helped her so much through all of their struggles with his family. With this new found happiness, (Y/N) came up with a plan. It was the only way she could think of for the two to be happy forever.

A few days later

(Y/N) quickly and quietly make her way out of her room and towards Hans' bedroom door. She slipped an envelope under the door and gently knocked before rushing down the hall, out of sight.

Hans lifts his head up from his desk. He had been working on some journaling before he heard the knock at his door.

He stood and made his way over, seeing the envelope at his feet. He crouches down and picks it up before making his way back to his desk.

The rip of the envelope echoed through the room as he used his letter opener to efficiently open the letter. He slips out the paper before slowly unfolding it to see the handwriting he so fondly recognized.

His eyes darted across the paper, wanting to read as much as he could as quickly as possible. Once he reached the end, he stayed completely still, processing what he had read.

Hans pushes his chair back before quickly standing and making his way over to his closet. He had to grab a few things. This letter was the key to it all. He could finally be happy. With the woman he truly loved.

Dear Hans,

I have thought long and hard about this. We have been kept under your family's control for far too long. If we want to be happy, I think it is time we leave, even just for a little while. We can run away together. There is a ship leaving tonight at a quarter to 10. Meet me down by the horse stables and we can leave together. If you cannot leave, I understand and I will stay here by your side. We are in this together. I love you, and I hope we can find the happiness we have been dreaming of.


(Y/N) (L/N)

As quickly as Hans could, he packed up some of his necessities into a bag before slipping it under his bed. He wanted everything ready for tonight. He wasn't going to miss this ship. Once everything was packed, he quickly got to work writing a letter for his family to explain everything. He just hoped none of them blamed (Y/N). She didn't deserve that.

While Hans was writing his letter to his family, (Y/N) had gone back to her room to finish her own packing. When she arrived, she heard someone shuffling inside. She grew concerned before slowly opening her door and peeking inside. Inside was Claudius, he seemed to be searching for something specific.

(Y/N) raised her eyebrow, extremely concerned about what he was trying to find. It wasn't like Claudius to go through things that aren't his. She slowly steps into her room before speaking up, "Claudius.. What's going on here?.."

He jumps, letting out a yelp in surprise. Claudius turns back to see (Y/N) standing there. He froze up a bit, unsure of what to tell her, "I um.. I was.."

She crosses her arms under her chest as she raises her eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

Claudius looks down, unable to look at the disappointment and anger in (Y/N)'s face, "I just.. I was worried about you.. I was looking to see if I could find anything dangerous or hinting that you were reverting again.. I had a really bad dream last night, and I was afraid it was true.. I'm sorry..."

(Y/N)'s heart broke hearing that. She quickly makes her way across the room and wraps her arms tightly around Claudius.

His muscles stiffen for a moment in surprise before slowly wrapping around her frame. It felt good to feel that she was physically there with him.

(Y/N) didn't know how Claudius felt about her whether on purpose, or she was just oblivious. She thought he was just protecting her and caring for her like a sister.

Maybe things would be different if only she knew, but he would never tell her. Claudius knew how much she loved Hans, even if he wasn't the best for her. She deserves someone who put her first and made her smile more than cry. Someone who understood her more than anyone else. He may not have known her for too long, but he had gotten to know (Y/N) far more than Hans has being locked away from her.

"Claudius.." (Y/N) spoke softly as she held him, "I promise I am doing better. You have nothing to worry about anymore. I have found a way to make things better."

Claudius looked down at her, confused, what did she mean? Could she really be happy again, "(Y/N), what are you talking about? My father hasn't changed his mind; how can things get better?"

(Y/N) gently lifts her hand to touch his cheek, rubbing gently circles into his skin, "Hans and I are going to be together. No one can keep us apart. We know what your parents' say, but we have a way around it.. I'm going to miss you, but it has to be done..."

Claudius starts to tear up at her words. He couldn't believe it. She was going to leave him, "That's.. a-amazing (Y/N).. I-I.. I-I'm so happy for you.. I know how long you've been waiting for this..."

She nods, smiling softly, "It'll be hard to say goodbye, but it's what we have to do. Now, you can't tell a soul, understood?"

Claudius nods, "I-I promise..."

(Y/N) reaches her hand up gently to wipe his tears.

The two stand together as a comfort for one another for a short while, but they know it can't last forever. Claudius decides to become the bigger person and slowly pulls apart.

"I should go.. Don't want anyone to become suspicious..." He glanced back at the door before looking back to meet her beautiful (E/C) eyes. He wouldn't be able to see them again.

"You're right.. I'll miss you Claudius.." (Y/N) spoke softly, watching as he stepped back.

"As will I Lady (Y/N).." Claudius gently takes her hand in his own as he drops to one knee and kisses over her knuckles softly, his lips over her ring finger, "Maybe in another life.." He spoke softly against her skin as he stood and released her hand.

(Y/N) felt a tingle rise from her hand up her arm and into her body as he kissed her skin before he pulled away. She almost wanted to ask him to stay, but that wasn't right. She watched as Claudius turned and left the room, closing the door behind him, leaving her alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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