Side Story 4 Pt. 3

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Hello everyone! Just so everyone knows the quote in the last paragraph doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Kerri Maniscalco. Thank you and enjoy today's chapter!!! Also please go check out my new story Arrow to the Heart! Thank you!! 😁😁💕💕💕
(Y/n) - your name
(S/N) - Sibling's Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(F/N) - Father's Name
(E/C) - Eye Color

This man terrified us to no end. After shuffling the cards he pulls a card out with the back facing us. He looks at his card and smirks turning it to face us holding it between his pointer and middle finger on his left hand. It was a Joker surrounded in four large spades. Our eyes widened, they had to be from the king's cards, but they weren't normal spades either. There was red covering most of the spades. It looked like something red was dripping down the tip of the spades to the base. A shiver ran down my spine and I knew this wasn't good.

End of Recap


First Person POV

I look up at the man, my eyes wide terrified. "W-what the heck?!"

He chuckles, but it's not like any chuckle. It sounded like it had evil intent behind it.

Hans pulls me against his chest keeping his arms around me. He didn't trust this man and I could tell by his arms around my body, but also by how much they shook in the fear of this man and what he could do.

"This isn't your card. It's mine. Would you like to see yours?~" He tilts his head to the side, smirking. His voice was trying to lean towards seductive, but he was too terrifying and creepy to do so.

He reaches into the deck and pulls out a card looking at it. His eyes run over the entire card before turning it once more between the fingers on his left hand. Facing us was the king of spades still missing the big spades in the corner, but the image had changed. Tears were now dripping down the king's face. It made no sense. Before I could say anything, water starts pouring from the bottom of the card. I yelp jumping back into Hans as the water starts pooling on the ground below. The water continued to pour and I knew this couldn't be a small vial of water. There was too much for that and nothing big enough to hold that much water could hide behind a small card. This man was either extremely good at illusions or a true magician of magic.

He flips the card around and the water stops pouring. He holds the card out to Hans who is too afraid to move. The man growls slightly under his breath before speaking. "Take the card."

Hans reaches out and takes the card in hand looking at it as he brings it closer. No water poured out, but the tears on the card remained.

The man then turns to me and looks me dead in the eyes not blinking or looking away. I was too afraid to move. After a long silent minute of standing there, he turns to look down at his deck. He decides to split the deck enough to reach in and grab a card. As he starts to pull the card out I see it's all red and dripping onto the ground. My eyes widened even more terrified than I had been before. What was on the card and how was he doing this?!

He holds the card up between his pointer finger and thumb. He examines the card and turns it to face me, the other side also covered in this red dripping liquid. "This is your card." He says with a smirk.

I shake my head. "H-how? Y-you can't even see what card it is."

"You doubt me?" He asks be reaching up and wiping some of the liquid away revealing a heart and the face on the card.

The face was covered in the liquid and the eyes were crossed out dead. That's when I realized what the liquid was that was on the card... blood. My eyes were wide and I couldn't move. This wasn't real, it couldn't be.. right?

"Awww, don't get too attached. It's just a card.. or is it?" He says in a cynical voice stepping closer to us with the bleeding card.

Hans pulls me back with him dropping his own card trying to get me away from this crazed man.

The man on the other hand, wasn't too happy about that. "What? You didn't like my card trick?" His voice raised starting to get angry as he grits his teeth.

Hans grabs my shoulders and quickly turns me away from the man and pushes me forward to run.

Before I even take a full step to run, I cry out in pain dropping to my knees. "Ahhhhhh!!!"

Hans' eyes go wide as he drops to his knees beside me pulling me close to his chest. He didn't know what was wrong, nor did I. The man laughed behind us wickedly. He knew exactly what he did and he was enjoying every second of it. I look down at my chest and stomach examining myself, and that's when I see it... A large stab wound in my abdomen. It was extremely deep and oozing blood. I look up to meet Hans' eyes and I can see that he's terrified and in shock as well. We didn't expect our day out would turn out like this.

The man laughs again standing behind the two of us. Hans turns back to look at the man while I try to keep my head straight and the rest of me awake.

"I warn you once more," He smirks at Hans stepping closer. Then he reaches out grabbing Hans' chin roughly and yanking upwards meeting his eyes with a large evil smirk on his lips. " not get too attached."

Then I hit the ground, everything going dark.

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