Imprisoned in the Mind

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Hey everyone! I'm sorry for the slow updates. I started cosplaying on TikTok which has taken up a lot of time and I've had a bit of writers block and laziness. I got my act together and wrote this. I hope you enjoy! Also, the photo above is not my own, credit goes out to the original artist. I love you all!!! 

(Y/n) - Your Name
(S/N) - Sibling's Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(F/N) - Father's Name
(E/C) - Eye Color
(L/N) - Last Name

Hans POV

I'm led to my room and shoved inside to the floor. The door is slammed behind me and locked from the outside. I groan slightly as I slowly push myself off the ground to stand. I glance around my room. It had only been a few days since I've been here, but it already felt like it used to.. a prison. This time though, it actually was my prison. I couldn't leave unless they let me go and I was compl alone... just like when I was a kid...

A soft sigh escapes my lips as I make my way towards the window of my room. I look out at the world below, dark and empty. Just like it always was. I just want things to be different; is that so much to ask for?

"Maybe.. maybe if I was with her.. things.. would be ok?.."

As I watch the already dark outside world, my vision goes completely black.

Hans' Mind

I shake my head slightly as I focus. There I stood once more by a window, but I recognized this window not as my own. It was the window in the master bedroom of the castle. I hear the clattering sound of a rattle as it's shook. I turn from the window to look behind me. I see a small crib against the wall close to the bed. I make my way over to it confused as I peer my head over the side of the crib. Inside lay a small child no more than a year old. My eyes went wide at the sight; I couldn't believe this.

I heard the door to the bedroom open, but I didn't dare look away from the little bundle of joy in front of me. Who's baby could this be? A hand is placed on my shoulder and I hear a soft giggle that I recognize all too well.

"Darling, are you just staring at Cecilia again?" (Y/N) smiles.

"Cecilia?" I loved the name for the beautiful little girl; it was perfect.

(Y/N) looks up at me as I slowly turn to look away from the angel. "Don't tell me you forgot your own daughter already?" She teases.

My eyes widened very large. This child belonged to me? I couldn't believe I created this. I quickly look back down at the little girl. She was starting to grow in a bit of (H/C) hair, just like (Y/N)'s and she had my green eyes. She was perfect and I was never going to let her leave my sight again.

"Hans, this actually reminds me, I have to tell you something." I turn to look at (Y/N), those words worried me. What could she mean?

"Y-yes? What is it?" I spoke softly.

(Y/N) gently takes my hands in hers and places them on her stomach. It took me a few long seconds to understand before it clicked. "You're pregnant?!"

She nods to me with a small smile on her lips hoping I liked that. I couldn't be happier! I was to have two little ones with the love of my life. "This is amazing!!" I grab (Y/N) by the waist lifting her off the ground and spinning her around me.

(Y/N) giggles, smiling bright. "I'm so glad you're excited!"

I bring her down to me and hug her tight into my chest as she hugs me back. "I can't believe I'm this lucky."

"Nor can I my love." (Y/N) smiles up at me. I lean down towards her and kiss her lips softly. This was perfect; I couldn't ask for more. This is all I have ever wanted.

As we pull away from the kiss (Y/N) looks up at me with a frown on her lips.

"My dear, what's wrong?" This worried me. What could make her frown like that?

"Hans.. you.. you know this isn't real.. right?"

Her words silenced me. I knew what she said was true, but I didn't want to believe it. I wanted her; I needed her. She's the love of my life. She makes me happier than anyone ever has. I can't let her disappear.

"You know you have to return to reality." (Y/N) reaches out placing a hand on my arm.

I quickly pull away and grab her shoulders a bit tighter than I should have. "No! No, you can't make me! I wanna stay here with you!"

I watch as (Y/N) tears up a bit. "H-Hans..."

My hands start shaking a bit as I release her afraid I was hurting her. "I-I.. I-I'm s-sorry.. I-I... I just... You know what's going to happen when I return..."

She nods to me. "I know.. but.. you can't live in your head with a fake me and fake life.. be with the real me.. the one who loves you more than anything.. the real me stuck by you after everything that happened in Arendelle.. you need to go back to the real world.. wait for her..."

Even if she wasn't the real (Y/N), she was (Y/N) and she was right. "Ok.. I'll go back.. but.. can I ask you something?"

"Anything." (Y/N) small smiles.

"In this world, what would you have had?" I ask, I couldn't help my curiosity.

(Y/N)'s smile grows as she takes one of my hands in hers. She brings it up to her lips and kisses over my knuckles. "A boy, you named him Fin.. Fin Christian Westergaard."

I smile at her and lean down kissing (Y/N) lovingly. She kisses me back as I start to fade into the real world.

The Real World

I blink a few times and sigh softly. I'll be with her one day, I promise. I make my way from the window over to my bed. I lay down on top of the sheets and just stare up at the ceiling in the silence of my now imprisoned world.

Inside the Frozen Heart (Hans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now