The Family Continues

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Hey everyone!!! I'm so sorry it's been so long! Once I got back from camp, I got right to work writing. I have plans for the future, but I'm in a little bit of a slow trek as I get through introducing the other Westergaard brothers. I promise though, there's more to come and it will be a lot more interesting once we're past this. I hope you continue to enjoy the story! Thank you and love ya bunches!! On with the story!!! 😁😁💕💕💕

(Y/n) - Your Name
(S/N) - Sibling's Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(F/N) - Father's Name
(E/C) - Eye Color
(L/N) - Last Name

First Person POV

Claudius grabs my arm and leads me over to the next room. From outside the door we could hear the sounds of muffled voices, breaking objects, and bodies hitting into the walls. It sounded extremely hectic.

"Uhhh, Claudius.. what's going on in there?" I turn to look at him confused and a bit concerned.

Claudius rubs the back of his neck. "Wellllllll, this is Rudi and Runo's room."

"The twins I'm guessing?" Thinking back to the twins sent a shiver up my spine. They creeped me out.

"Yep, that's them. They can be a bit violent and.. loud.. and.. not that well mannered." Claudius spoke almost like he was nervous for me to meet them.

I look at their door hearing their loud banging and the shattering of pottery and glass inside.

"Do we.. umm.. have to go in there?" I ask looking over to Claudius.

He shook his head. "I'd never force anyone to meet them, it's probably best you avoided them at all costs. If you do have to meet them, do you best to get away quickly without insulting them, or it might get ugly."

I nod slightly understanding as the two of us walk on to the next room. As we walked, I wondered why the twins chose to live together. The castle was very large and I'm sure had enough room for another bedroom. Maybe there was some other reason that I didn't know about yet.

"This is Jergan's room. He enjoys helping in the kitchen. He was always found sneaking off their growing up. Now, it's like his safe place. He's quite the cook and the eater too." Claudius chuckles.

I smile softly to myself listening to Claudius explain his next brother. He sounded nice. It was really interesting how different each of the brothers seemed to be.

Claudius' eyes light up as he gets a mischievous smirk. Without saying a word, he grabs the handle of the door and asks, "From one to ten, what's your guess on if he has food hidden in there?"

I was surprised by his question. I tap my chin in thought for a few moments before pointing at Claudius. "Eight, even I usually have food hidden in my room."

He opens the door to reveal Jergan sitting on his bed with a tray of strawberry cream puffs in front of him. He looks over at the two at his door.

Claudius and I laugh at the sight. Mostly because he had the whole tray in front of him.

"You better share those brother." Claudius says as he starts to calm down from laughing.

Jergan's eyes widened as he tries to hide his tray. "Last time I tried to share with you, you stole all of my cheesecake!"

Neither brother would give up that easily. Claudius charged in and jumped at Jergan. He protects his cream puffs as the two start to brawl. I laugh at them knowing it wasn't as violent as the one between the twins sounded. This was more playful. I walk over towards them and grab one of the cream puffs before making my way out of the room. They'd probably be at it for a while and I still had more princes to meet.

I make my way to the next door and softly listen to see if I hear anyone inside. I thought I heard what sounded like a piano? Whoever it was must be a music lover. I gently knock on the door and wait. I heard the scratch of a chair or bench on the floor and footsteps making their way towards me.

After another moment the door opens revealing another brother. He was clean shaven and had his hair pulled back into a ponytail. It looked nice on him. I smile up at him. "Excuse me, I'm (Y/N). I wanted to come around and meet all of the Princes of the Southern Isles."

He looks down at me and nods as a softly smile graces his lips. "I'm Adam, it's a pleasure to meet you Miss (Y/N)."

I give a small curtsy to him as he steps out of my way. "Would you like to come in?"

"Thank you for the invitation Adam, I'd love to." I stand once more before stepping into his room as the door closes behind me. I wonder what's next.

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