Dinner with the Westergaards

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Hello everyone! Finally, I've finished this chapter!! Now that school is out for a little while, I hope to have more time to write for all of you here and on my Male Merida x Reader story. I have plans to make a Christmas special for all of you for all of the love and support you give me! I hope you enjoy this chapter until the Christmas special is ready!! I hope you have an amazing day! Enjoy!!

(Y/n) - Your Name
(S/N) - Sibling's Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(F/N) - Father's Name
(E/C) - Eye Color
(L/N) - Last Name

First Person POV

Hans and I had stayed together for the next few hours. I pushed up my sleeves and pulled up my dress more as I got down and dirty to help him with his chores. I didn't care about the mud and the terrible smell as long as I got to spend time with the man I loved.

I noticed a few of his brothers up at the castle watching the two of us, but I didn't mind. I'm sure they weren't used to a woman working like I was. They still have a lot to learn about the world.

I looked back to Hans with a soft smile on my lips and he returned my smile with one of his own. Not a word had to be said for us to be happy.

====== A Short Timeskip! ======

After working all day with Hans, dinner time came around. We made our way inside to clean up before heading to the dining room. We make our way to our places at the end of the table. Everyone was already there. Some of the brothers were talking to each other while others just sat in silence.

I noticed the king was giving Caleb a look. Something wasn't right and I could easily see it. I also noticed Frans, the other brother I didn't officially meet. The queen was talking with him. He didn't look to say anything and generally kept his face monotone. His eyes, though, showed that something was going on that surprised and confused him.

I look to Hans raising my eyebrow slightly in confusion, but he didn't look to have an answer either.

The king clears his throat signaling the room to go silent and look to him. He motions in front of him, "Dinner is served."

Everyone waits another second before filling their plates.

Once the plates are filled, everyone stays in silence until the queen starts making small talk.

Tonight's dinner felt off. It felt very uncomfortable and forced. Had something happened that Hans and I missed? I quickly glanced over at Claudius and gave him a look of confusion. He shrugs back at me unsure as well. Maybe most of us were out of the loop. This couldn't mean anything good.

The queen claps her hands drawing the entire room's attention to her. "My children, we have some news to discuss."

Oh no.

"I know things have been going amazingly around here with the help of Miss (Y/N)." The queen motions over to me and I blush slightly.

She continues, " So I would like to formally welcome (Y/N) (L/N) into our family as Frans' fiance!!" She throws her hands up in the air smiling bright as the room goes silent. A pin would have been heard hitting the floor if someone would have dropped one. This has to be fake. This has to be some sick, cruel joke.

Surprisingly, the first person to say anything was Claudius. "Mother, you can't be serious."

"I am Claudius. It'll be perfect!" The queen smiles proud of her decision.

"Mother, please, you must think reasonably on this." Lars speaks up from his spot at the table. "Have you ever once asked Miss (Y/N) what her thought on the matter was?"

The queen waves her hand dismissively at him. "I don't need to do that. She's a young woman just waiting to be married off."

That statement angered me beyond belief. I stood from the table forcing the chair back behind me, scraping against the cobblestone floors. Everyone turned their heads to look at me. "I am not just some girl you can force to do as you please. Not one of you here owns me. I am my own person with my own feelings and beliefs. My apologise for being so straightforward, but ,Queen Elaine, you can not force me to marry a man I do not love. I love Hans with all my heart. We understand each other more than anyone else." I glance to Hans who looks up at me with a soft smile. He reaches a hand out to me and I take it, giving a gentle squeeze before looking back to the rest of the family. Hans didn't say a word; he knew that I needed to stand up for myself.

No one knew what to say, but the faces the king and queen had did not look good. No words could explain how enraged the two looked.

I held tighter to Hans' hand to try and calm my nerves, but when the king stood from his chair and made his way to me, I felt all of my strength leave my body.

The king grabs my arm, pulling me away from Hans and drags me out of the dining room roughly. I could hear the protests from the brothers inside the room, but their mother must have been stopping them. I focus back on where I was being taken, he was dragging me back to my room.

Fear started to get to me; what was he going to do to me? My breathing started to pick up as we reached my room. He threw open the door and pushed me inside to the ground. I look back at him as he growls down at me.

"You'll stay here and you'll like it!!!" The king growls loudly, too angry to express fully how he felt in that moment, and slams the door closed.

I scramble up from the ground and tried turning the handle, but it's too late, he had already locked the door from the outside. I was trapped.

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