A Mother's Approval

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Hello everyone!! I hope you enjoy this new chapter!! I dedicate this chapter to the release of Frozen in the USA in 2013. Who would expect 7 years ago what would be happening in today's world? I also want to dedicate this chapter to admiralwestergaard who continues to inspire me to this day and has given me so many encouraging words to continue on not just with this story, but life in general. I also want to thank all of you who take the time to read my story. I love you all!! 💕💕💕💕💕 Now, enjoy! 😁💕💕

(Y/n) - Your Name
(S/N) - Sibling's Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(F/N) - Father's Name
(E/C) - Eye Color
(L/N) - Last Name

First Person POV

A couple of weeks has passed since my arrival in the Southern Isles. The princes were taking a liking to me, for the most part, and the queen as well. She tells me all the time how much she has enjoyed having me around. I guess it makes sense, I mean, she has been one of the only women in the castle for years, it must be a nice change and I'm happy to be the one to do that for her. The king and prince Daniel, on the other hand, still hold something against me. I'm sure they'll come around eventually.
In these few weeks, Hans has taken over working as the stable boy. He actually seems to enjoy taking care of the horses, especially Sitron. The only part he really hates is cleaning up after them, but I don't think anyone would really enjoy that.

As Hans works long, hard hours I've been helping around the castle. Some days I'm helping Lars with trade deals, others I'm in the kitchen baking with Jergan or even going out into the only forest for miles, mørkets skog, with Nicolaus, Samuel, and Tobias. My life nowadays is filled with things to do, but I really don't mind. Today, Queen Elaine has asked me to join her for tea and to talk. She didn't tell me what, but I'm quite curious to know what it is she wants to talk about.

I dressed in something simple for the day's activities, but also nice enough for a meeting with the queen. I then put my hair in a half up half down style. I added a bit of mascara to my eyes and a soft pink to my lips before making my way down to the back gardens, if you could call it that. It was a simple, but nice view of the ocean nonetheless.

I join Elaine at the small outside table sitting across from her. She smiles to me. "Darling, thank you for joining me."

"Of course, it's a pleasure to talk with you." I smile back at her which brightens her eyes. "I was wondering about what you wanted to talk about though."

The queen nods. "Well dear, I wanted to thank you for coming here with Hans all those weeks ago. I know you'll say it was no big deal, but I am eternally grateful for all you have done for him and all of his brothers. You have brought something out of many of them that I haven't seen in a long time."

I started to tear up at her words as a smile grew on my lips.

"I truly believe that you've brought out a good side of Hans that we had all thought was long gone. You make all of my boys smile and, as a mother, I couldn't be more happy to see it. Thank you (Y/N), thank you for this gift of joy that you have given to this family." Elaine reaches out her hands taking mine in her own as she smiles to me.

I smile back as a few tears slip from my eyes. No one has ever said things like this to me. I feel beyond joyous than words could ever explain.

The queen lifts one of her hands and wipes away my tears. "Don't cry dear. It's alright."

"I know." I spoke softly as I stood with her and hugged her close. We stayed like that for a few moments before she slowly pulled away.

"Well, I better get going. Mathias and I have a few meetings to attend to today and I cannot be late." Elaine gives my arms a gentle squeeze before turning and heading back into the castle.

I smile to myself before turning and making my way towards the horse stables. I pull up the skirt of my dress slightly and tie it up to keep it from dragging on the dirt ground. On my feet were some boots. I didn't want to have any trouble getting heels stuck in any mud or horse manure.

As I got closer to the stable I caught sight of just the man I was looking for, with his bright red hair that was slightly messy from the hours he had already worked that day. His bright green eyes continued to sparkle even doing a dirty task like he was doing now. His princely suit had been switched to a loose light blue button down shirt, simple black pants, a purple scarf, almost like a cummerbund, tied around his waist, and some work boots, now covered in mud.

I smile brightly as I quicken my pace heading straight for him.

I watch as he lifts his head and looks in my direction. His face lightens up as well as he puts his shovel to the side and opens his arms to me.

Before I know it, I'm wrapped up in Hans' arms with him holding my waist and my arms around his neck. I couldn't be more happy.

Hans looks down into my eyes before leaning down and kissing me deeply. I immediately kiss back missing the feeling of his lips against mine.

We stayed like this for a few long moments before we had to pull away for air.

I pant softly as I look up into his emerald green eyes as his look back into my (E/C) eyes. His lips curl into a smile.

"(Y/N), I've missed you so much." Hans says not able to look away.

I nod excitedly. "I've missed you too." I reach my hand up cupping his left cheek. He leans into my touch as I gently rub my thumb across his cheek in comforting motions.

We stood in a comfortable silence together for a few minutes before Hans looks down at me and starts to speak.

"(Y/N)..." Hans spoke softly almost as if he was afraid to know the answer to his question.

I lift my head to look up at him, giving him the time he needed to find the words to continue.

Hans takes a shaky breath as he speaks, "Do you think they'll ever forgive me for what I've done?.."

I stayed silent. I knew what he was talking about; he wanted to know if I thought his family as well as the kingdom of Arendelle would forgive him for the harm he brought to Queen Elsa and Princess Anna. That question is a hard one to answer. I feel that his family will have a lot easier time forgiving him, but it will still take some time. The kingdom of Arendelle will be complicated as many do not know fully what happened in those few days of Elsa's coronation. The royal family and the castle's residents will be the hardest to persuade.

"Hans.. I believe in due time.. you will be forgiven." Hans starts to relax as I speak, but I stop him as I continue. "But it will take each person their own time to forgive. Everyone was affected differently through the entire situation. Just know, no matter how long it takes, I will always be by your side."

Tears slip from Hans' eyes in both relief and sadness. I pull him close to my chest as he buries his face in my neck. I rub his back gently in comfort as I let him just cry it out. I was thankful that he knew and trusted that he could cry in front of me without judgement.

I kissed his temple softly as I continued to comfort the man in my arms with my touch and the sweet words I left in his ear.

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