Crumbling of the Castle

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So I did not draw this image, credit goes out to the original artist. While I was looking for a photo for the top of the chapter, I saw this and had to show you all! I hope you enjoy the photo and this new chapter! Have a wonderful day you lovely people!! 😁💕💕

 While I was looking for a photo for the top of the chapter, I saw this and had to show you all! I hope you enjoy the photo and this new chapter! Have a wonderful day you lovely people!! 😁💕💕

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(Y/n) - your name
(S/N) - Sibling's Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(F/N) - Father's Name

Third Person POV

(Y/N) stormed off out of the castle and into the courtyard. Behind her, the drama continued on.

"You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no. Now...excuse me." Elsa tries to walk off.

Hans reached out towards Elsa. "Your Majesty, if I may ease your..."

Elsa wasn't having it and quickly shut Hans down. "No, you may not. And I...I think you should go. The party is over. Close the gates."

A guard who stood nearby nods. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Anna quickly tries to run after Elsa. "What? Elsa, no. No, wait!" Anna reaches out for Elsa grabbing her glove.

Elsa's eyes widened in shock and she looks back at Anna terrified. "Give me my glove!"

The two had started drawing the attention of other guests at the party. "Elsa, please! Please! I can't live like this anymore." Anna begged, holding Elsa's glove to her chest.

Elsa said the most hurtful words that Anna did not want to hear in that moment. "Then leave."

Anna was completely hurt and she snapped. "What did I ever do to you?!"

The girls' fight was getting louder as Elsa turned and tried to leave heading for the main doors. "Enough, Anna."

Anna storms after her. "No! Why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?! "

Elsa turns around swinging her hand ice shooting out of it. "I said, enough!"

The room screamed in terror. Anna, Hans, and other guests jumped back so as to not get hit. Elsa stood in fear at what she had done. She had revealed herself to the whole ballroom.

The Duke of Weaseltown's eyes widened at the sight. "Sorcery. I knew there was something dubious going on here."

Anna couldn't believe what had happened. "Elsa?"

Elsa quickly turns and bursts out the doors of the ballroom holding her hand to her chest. Her heart was racing. She looks around at all the people outside.

"There she is!" A woman calls out.

"It is her! Queen Elsa. Our beautiful queen." A gentleman from the crowd joins in.

A mother holding her baby looks at Queen Elsa concerned for her. "Your Majesty? Are you alright?"

(Y/N) turns to look back seeing Elsa. Her eyes widened. Elsa had frozen the fountain. She had ice magic. Before (Y/N) could say anything the Duke rushed out.

"There she is! Stop her!"

Elsa backs up trying to get away from everyone. "Please, just stay away from me. Stay away!"

Ice shoots from her hand at the stairs in front of the Duke making him slip. He starts screaming out. "Monster. Monster!"

Anna follows after Elsa calling out for her. "Elsa! Elsa! Wait, please! Elsa, stop!"

Elsa ran to the fjord. She places her foot on the water and it freezes beneath her. She looks back at her eyes meeting (Y/N)'s then meeting Anna's before turning and running. Anna tries to follow after her, but she slips on the ice.

"Anna!" Hans calls out running to her side.

Anna looks out after Elsa. She couldn't do anything, but watch. "No.."

Hans looks out after Elsa then notices the water freezing. "The fjord."

Everyone was in shock. The once bright summer day that was supposed to be full of joy had turned dark and cold. The crowd was in a panic about the snow.

"Are you alright?" Hans asks helping Anna up.

Anna shook her head. "No."

Hans continues on. "Did you know?"

Again Anna says, "No."

The Duke of Weaseltown was being chaotic yelling and screaming as well as pointing blame. "Look! It's snowing! It's snowing! The Queen has cursed this land! She must be stopped! You have to go after her."

Anna's eyes widened at the Duke's actions. "Wait, no!"

That brought the Duke's attention to Anna as he points at her violently. "You! Is there sorcery in you, too? Are you a monster, too?"

Anna shakes her hands and head at the same time trying to reassure him. "No. No. I'm completely ordinary."

Hans places his hand on Anna's shoulder. "That's right, she is. In the best way." He assures Anna not wanting to insult her.

Anna looks up at Hans small smiling before looking to the Duke. "My-my sister's not a monster."

The Duke threw his hands up. "She nearly killed me!"

(Y/N) watched all of this from the sidelines. The city of Arendelle was in a panic all in a matter of a few moments. "You slipped on ice." She spoke up a bit annoyed.

Her words brought the Duke's attention to her as he turns to look her in the eyes even though he was shorter by a good bit. He throws his finger up at her. "Her ice!"

Anna speaks up again bringing his attention back to her. "It was an accident. She was scared. She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this. Tonight was my fault. I pushed her, so I'm the one that needs to go after her."

Hans was surprised to hear that. He turns to look at her. "What?"

The Duke smiles excitedly at that. "Yes."

Anna motions back to one of the servants. "Bring me, my horse! Please?"

The people grew even more scared as Hans grabbed Anna's arm. "Anna, no! It's too dangerous."

She shook her head. "Elsa's not dangerous. I'll bring her back and I'll make this right."

Hans trying to be the heroic prince stood tall. "I'm coming with you."

Anna once more shakes her head. "No. I need you here to take care of Arendelle."

He understood immediately and bows gently. "On my honor."

Anna turns to the panicked citizens raising her hand as her horse is brought to her. "I leave Prince Hans in charge."

As Anna starts getting on her horse Hans spoke up. "Are you sure you can trust her? I don't want you getting hurt."

Anna smiles at him. "She's my sister, she would never hurt me."

The world watches as Anna rides off on her horse into the cold night to look for their missing Queen. Hans stood there now in charge of the entire kingdom. The Duke of Weaseltown was hoping for the entire city to crumble. (Y/N) stood there blending in with the crowd. She had watched it all. She steps up to the front past some citizens and even past the Duke who gave her an angry glare. She walked up to Hans and taps his shoulder gently. He turns and looks at her. Hurt and regret was in his eyes. Before he could open his mouth to apologize, (Y/N) lifts her finger placing it against his lips.

"Hans.. we need to talk.."

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