I Play Charades

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"The primordials are something more," Thor replied. "They are a generation older than the Titans, the parents of the gods. They are more powerful than you can imagine. Percy's father is Chaos himself."

"Chaos?" Steve asked.

"The one who shaped this universe." Thor clarified. "We are dealing with one of the oldest and most powerful beings any of you have met." Then he realized something. "Other than me, of course."

I entered the elevator with a sigh. Visiting the Olympians was always a chore. I was hardly on any type of good terms with any of them. Hestia, Artemis, Hades, my mother, (who has taken residence in Olympus with Hestia for the time being) and surprisingly Hera were the only ones out of all of them that didn't get on my nerves. Even Hermes and Apollo occasionally wore me down. After all these centuries, I don't think they've matured very much. I now understand how Artemis feels.

Not that I can say very much in defense for myself.

I've been visiting Hermes as a way to catch up on the technology in the world and all the information on the mortal warriors. Surprisingly enough, my domain over demigods transferred easily to all types of heroes. I wasn't complaining. Mortals have always found something to fight so maybe something interesting will happen when I finally let the Avengers make contact with me.

I visited the Captain America Museum on purpose a few months ago to see what the government would do. Hermes and I reactivated a file of me in their system from over 200 years ago. It only took a few days for their agents to catch up to me and figure out some of the things I was doing. Not everything. They have no idea I have any sort of friends.

I plan to keep it that way for a while, just to see what kind of people they are in person. Eventually, perhaps, I'll introduce them to a few members of my Hunt. But that means I am definitely not going to make it easy for them.

The Avengers have been trying to make contact with me for weeks now. At first it was just the red head and the archer, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton. Now it's all of them. They've cornered me in Central Park more times than I care to count, in nearby alleyways, in the Empire State Building on various floors, even at the mall.

I think I've frustrated a few of them more than once.

I've seen Thor every so often. Make that all the time. He's not so good with disguises, he's very easy to spot.

I wonder how long it will take before they realize I'm messing with them.

Oh, there is Thor now. He's wearing a baseball hat but that does nothing to hide his long blonde hair. Not to mention, he's in a very form fitting t-shirt that says, "I heart Asguard." He's also just standing there on the corner across from the entrance to the Empire State Building with his hands in his pockets. They need to take him off the tailing portion of this mission. He stands out like a sore thumb.

Since they've had 24 hour surveillance on me, I have been avoiding going to my hunt just to keep safe. I've told Luke to just come to me if there was an emergency, otherwise, he can handle it. He's not going to like being the only one in charge so soon after being alone last time when I went to Alagaësia but he's going to have to deal with it.

By now, I've made it to my regular path to Central Park. They'll be scattered all along this path in different spots. Some will be harder to notice than others, like Natasha and Clint. But some like Steve and Tony are just too easy. It's like they're not even trying. Steve is a bit better than Tony—I think either Natasha or Clint have been teaching them but Tony's not really taking it to heart.

There's Steve and Tony now, staring at a window display full of mirrors across the street. Really, can you be any more obvious?

The entrance to Central Park was watched by Clint on the balcony of the restaurant across the street. He did a little better but by now I've learned to look in high places for him.

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