Tony Fries My Face Off

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Bruce gave us a signal and Ironman immediately flew up in the air. He stopped just below the vaulted ceiling and aimed his hands at me. A white hot burst of energy shot towards my face. I was tempted to remain where I was just to see what it would feel like.

I took too long deciding what to do and ended up flying across the room. My helmet prevented my face from being burned off thankfully but now I was embedded in a hole in the wall.

"Scared I will dent your suit, Tony?" I taunted as I pulled myself out.

"As if, Greek," Tony said as he shot a few more blasts in my direction. I just barely had enough time to dive out of the way before they hit me. "The only thing stronger than what I made this suit out of is Cap's shield."

"Hate to break it to you," I grunted as I launched myself over Tony's attacks. "But my armor is much stronger than vibranium."

"What does it have to be made out of to be stronger than vibranium? Did you mix it wi—"

Tony's words were cut off by my first offensive attack. He'd gotten close enough for me to grab his ankle and yank him down to the ground. His metal covered head hit the mats with a resounding clang.

"Woah! I didn't even see him move!"

That's a new voice.

I looked towards the elevators to see a whole gaggle of students, a teacher and a tour guide staring at Tony and I in awe.

"Friday, what is this?" Tony's voice groaned from within his suit. He was struggling to get to his feet after I brought him down.

"Sir, I did try to tell you that the class Pepper had scheduled for a field trip was here." A woman's robotic voice came over the speakers in the gym.

"Oh, yeah." He said. "I forgot about them." He sighed as he finally reached his feet. "Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Avenger's Tower! I hope—"

"Mr. Stark, is it true that Peter has an internship here?" One of the taller students in the front rose their hand, interrupting Tony as he spoke.

"Don't be ridiculous Flash, even if Peter did have an internship here, there is no way that he would know Mr. Stark personally." Another girl from the group said, rolling her eyes.

"Peter?" Tony asked. "As in Peter Parker? What school are you from?"

"Uh—Midtown High, sir." A rather short boy said from the front. As I looked longer, I realized he had someone hiding behind him.

The part of Tony's helmet that covered his face lifted up so you could see him better. "This is Peter's class, right? Knowing his luck, it would be." He looked around at each of the students before finally settling on the student that was hiding. "Peter! Stop hiding and face the music like a man!"

"H-hi, Mr. Stark." A quiet voice came from behind the short kid as the one hiding slowly stepped into our line of sight.

"Wait, you actually know Pen-Peter Parker?" The first kid—Flash I think—said loudly.

"Of course! Heee's mmmy...intern, yes. My personal intern." Tony was obviously going to say something else (at least it was obvious to me, the rest of the students and the teacher hardly bat an eye).

I narrowed my eyes at this Peter Parker. He couldn't just be an intern with how familiarly Tony was saying his name. Not to mention how my powers connected to him almost immediately. Thinking over the Avengers team as I knew them, I'm pretty sure that I wasn't missing anyone. So I mentally ran through the vigilante heroes in New York that I knew about. Dare Devil? No, I'm almost positive he's an adult out of high school. Deadpool? Absolutely not with how he was just hiding behind his friend. That left...Spider-Man. He has partnered with the team a few times over the last couple years.

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