"Keep your hips engaged and make sure you follow through." I said to Peter. "Having good form will help ensure you don't hurt yourself."
"Like that?" Peter repeated the motion, this time making the corrections. He looked exhausted. He likely couldn't go much longer.
"Perfect!" I clapped my hands together just as the bell rang. "Great timing too; you ready to go to the tower?"
The training of Peter Parker—via me—not only to hide his Spider Man abilities but fight with his hands and feet has been going better than I expected. The boy is stronger than he's been letting on. I'm not sure he even knows his limitations. He goes way too easy on his opponents. It took a while to convince him he could go as hard as he could with me and I'd be fine.
"Yeah." Peter said in relief. "I've never been so tired." He was sweating buckets. He bent over to put his hands on his knees, breathing heavily.
"It's a good thing I came along, how long has it been since you've been pushed to your limits?"
"Well...a building fell on me once."
"Really? So a test of strength, what about skill?" I asked, curious.
"That's what I thought. Now get over it fast because Cap mentioned taking the team out for a training activity."
Peter groaned.
"My lord!"
Now I groaned. "What is it, Michael?" I turned to see one of my longest friends, Michael Yew—also known as Shooter (a nickname he used before we were revealed to have been alive again. Mine was Ariston)— running up to me in the middle of the high school gym.
"Nico sent me to get you and Luke." He said by way of explanation. "He said something about Leo and Beckendorf fighting over something in the forge."
I sighed long-sufferingly but then perked up. "They're visiting?"
"Huh?" Michael was momentarily confused. "Oh, yeah, did Nico not tell you? Tartarus is there too."
"Let's go." I grabbed Peter's hand then Michael's. "Luke! Get your sorry -podex- up and going! We're going to base!"
Luke had been playing with a Stark phone he'd gotten off of said Stark in the corner of the gym the entire time I'd been teaching Peter. He's been fixated on some kind of game with a slingshot and birds.
"Coming! Wait—base? Why?"
"Just get over here!" I said, coming to a stop at the gym door. I waited impatiently for Luke to join us then grabbed the handle while concentrating on my powers somewhat. As I opened the doors, Peter gasped in awe. The other side of the doors was not a high school hallway but a bright and sunny beach. There was no other location that I was able to do that with as it turns out. Unfortunate, because it's a really handy trick.
"Welcome to Ogygia!" I said cheerfully. "The base of my operations and central point of my powers while I'm on earth."
It was nice to be back. My powers recharge here to a level that I don't feel anywhere else. Even at the demigod camps, as they are part of my domains. This island is different. It is my turf, my center. I feel at home here more than I do anywhere in the universe.
"Woah." Peter said, looking around as he walked through the doors. Said doors now an entrance to a small bungalow that was were the hunt gathered to eat.
"How did you—wait, Ogygia? Isn't that where Odysseus met Calypso?"
"I'm impressed, you know your Greek mythology." I smiled down at him.

The Warrior of the Hunt
FanfictionBook 4 in my Apollo's Hunt series. Percy's done just about everything and won just about every war. Now it's time to take care of the domains he didn't even know about. Down in the streets where the mortals have their own understanding of the world...