Pajama Fighting

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"No, it's become a challenge now." Nico cracked his fingers. "He's gonna regret this."

Chills ran up my spine and I almost left his dreams immediately. "Okay then. Good luck."

"I won't need luck. Sam will."

Alright, I'm out. Let Sam deal with that.

"Jackson, get up, we've got to make up for lost time!" Tony's voice came over the speaker in my room. "No time for sleep or dilly dallying. You going to school has set the testing back for too long!"

"I don't sleep, Tony." I said calmly, not moving from my very comfy position laying down on my bed. "I meditate."

"Right." Tony's voice was very unbelieving.

"It's true, I don't need to sleep."

"Okay, kid, let's get a move on, we're burning daylight."

"You do know I'm over 200 years old, right?"

"You know what—"


..."Just get down here, Jackson."

"Is someone finding it hard to make a nickname for me?" I asked with an amused smile. "You could always call me what my cousins call me."

"What's that?"

I suddenly decided that continuing this conversation through the speaker was annoying so I flashed to Tony's location. "Kelphead."

Tony let out a very manly screech (it was actually similar to a little girl's but don't tell him that). "How did you do that?"

"I did this when the hydra was attacking, did you not notice?" I asked skeptically.

"No." He said, put off. "How are you doing it?"

"Part of the powers every being of power has in my family." I answered, shrugging. "It comes naturally, I'm not sure exactly how it works. I'm sure Athena has done a full analysis though."

"Enough with the chit-chat, I wanna see some action!"

I looked over to see that Luke had found a lawn chair and was sitting in it sideways with the biggest bowl of popcorn I've ever seen. Peter, his friends, and the rest of the Avengers were sitting with him in various places themselves. On work out benches, the floor, Clint had also found another camping chair.

"You should pull Luke in too," I suggested to Tony. "Just to see a difference."

"Between what? A mortal vs a god?" Tony chuckled. "Aren't I already doing that with the Avengers?"

I eyed the billionaire as if he were a few screws loose. "Luke's not a mortal."


"He's a demigod," I said. "Who has partial immortality. He can die in battle but not from disease or old age. He's older than I am."

"Only by about seven years!" Luke called over before anyone could get crazy ideas. "Sam's the ancient one."

"When are we going to meet everyone you keep talking about?" Peter asked curiously.

I saw several heads pop up and look at me expectantly. Shrugging, I said, "They're very busy doing my jobs right now."

"And mine." Luke threw in. "Now get fighting! Who's first?"

"I'll go first." Steve volunteered. He was the only one standing in the back of the group.

"Alright, Capsicle, test Percy here primarily on strength and endurance." Tony said, looking at the clipboard Penny was holding. "I already tested some on his style and tolerance in my suit when Peter and co. came on their field trip."

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