"How are you going to contact your people?" Tony asked. "You don't have any technology on you."I smirked without looking back. "That's for me to know and you to wonder about."
The second I entered my room, I closed my eyes and reached out with my mental connection.
"Hey, Luke. You up for going back to school?"
"I can't believe I let you talk me into this. I forgot how annoying backpacks were." A piercing whistle echoed in the small hallway and Luke winced. He rubbed at his ears irritatingly. "Not to mention the students."
"As I recall, you didn't need much convincing." I said, amused. "Your exact words were—and I quote: 'Do you need to ask? Get me out of here!'"
"Now why would I go and say a thing like that?"
"Could it be because Leo finally found a way to prank your room after last time?"
"Maybe." He grumbled.
I couldn't help but laugh. It was strange to be back in a high school but it felt refreshing. Hopefully now that I am a god, there won't be any monsters that make sure I get kicked out somehow.
"Percy? You were serious about coming to school?"
I turned to acknowledge the spider themed hero and his friends. "Of course." I smiled. "You thought I was kidding?"
Peter shrugged his shoulder, suddenly nervous. "I guess I thought you were just saying it to get Flash to stop."
"Percy rarely jokes about his impulse decisions." Luke said, throwing his arm over my shoulder. He was slightly taller than me in the form I chose to take for school and was therefore able to use me as an arm rest. "Luke Castellan, Percy's one and only friend, nice to meet you." He extended his other hand to shake Peter's.
"Peter Parker." He replied. "Are you"
"A god?" MJ finished for him. She also reached over to shake Luke's hand. "MJ."
"Sadly no." Luke said dramatically. "But they shouldn't make me one anyways. They would get too much real work done."
"We can't have that." I rolled my eyes.
"S-so what are you doing here?" Ned asked. "I know why Percy's here but what about you?"
"I'm tired of getting work done." Luke smirked as he shook his hand.
"That's not true." I snorted. "Using high school to procrastinate getting work done is more sad than what is actually going on which is that you are trying to get away from the pranks."
Ned sniggered and MJ hid a smile.
"Pranks?" Peter asked, a smile tugging at his mouth.
The bell rang before Luke or I could answer.
Luke sagged in relief. "Maybe another time."
Our classes weren't with Peter and his friends considering I'd made us seniors while they were still sophomores. So we went our separate ways for now.
We did have a free period later that day, however, and we took that time to wander to where they were holding gym class to scout for potential recruits.
"What are we looking for again, Percy?" Luke asked as he leaned on the doorway of the gym.
"Anyone who could fit in with our group." I answered.
The class was being put through an obstacle course today. Many were not doing so well. It wasn't until one particular student failed so miserably, it had Luke in stitches, that I realized what class we were in.

The Warrior of the Hunt
FanfictionBook 4 in my Apollo's Hunt series. Percy's done just about everything and won just about every war. Now it's time to take care of the domains he didn't even know about. Down in the streets where the mortals have their own understanding of the world...