I Show Peter Camp Half-Blood

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"You are hanging out with the Avengers?" Tartarus asked, interested. "Can I come back along with you when you finish here?"

"Of course!" I said. "We're having some kind of team activity, you can help me see how they work all together."

"Great! Now come fix our builders!" Nico said, exasperated.


"Yes, Tartarus?"

"How are we getting there while we have young Peter with us?"

I froze in my steps. Going back to New York from Ogygia just became a little more difficult.

Fixing Leo's and Beckandorf's problem had been easy. I just built another forge with my minor powers of creation and everything was good.

"Why can't Percy just open a portal door like he did at my school to get here?" Peter asked.

"Because it only works with places I have a connection to." I explained. "I can open a door to Ogygia but not to anywhere else. And we can't just flash there, you'd burn up in transit."

Peter's face paled. "Yeah, I'd prefer to be uncrispy, thank you."

"Is Luke coming back with us?" Tartarus asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Hm? Oh, no. He's got to relieve Nico of leadership. Poor guy's at the end of his string." I went back to trying to figure out how to get us and Peter to New York. I didn't have a chariot and we didn't have any teams even close to New York right now because I wanted to introduce the Avengers to my Hunt on my own time. So that means no to the tent portals. "I really didn't think this through, did I?"

"Why don't you open a door portal to camp?" Tartarus suggested.

"Huh?" I blinked.

"You are the primordial of demigods. The camps fall under your domain." Tartarus pointed out.


Tartarus rolled his eyes. "Let's go, Runt." He walked up to me, grabbed my shoulder, and pulled me in the direction of a bungalow. He'd taken to calling me that recently. I have found that I don't hate it. Not that I'd tell Tartarus that ever.

It took a few tries but I was able to open a door to the attic of the Blue House—of all places. Even more souvenirs cluttered the space than the last time I was there. The old stool where the mummy version of the oracle of Delphi used to sit was still by the window, only now it had some kind of bow sitting there. I was sure if I did some digging, I would find the scarf Annabeth and I retrieved on our first quest.

"Goodness, there are preservation spells all over the place." Tartarus said, blinking rapidly.

"You can see them?" Peter asked curiously.

Tartarus nodded. "Percy can too."

"Part of being a deity." I shrugged. "Let's go before someone sees us."

"That'll be difficult." Tartarus said, pointing to me with an amused look on his face.

I looked down and realized I was in my Hunt's usual white and gold armor. The entire camp would recognize me in this. My armor melted away to a black T-shirt and cargo shorts. "How's that?"

"Might as well change form too." He said. "You're still too recognizable like that."

I sighed. My hair shortened into a blond buzz cut, my build bulked up, filling in my shirt some more. "You should de-age."

Tartarus always took on a twenty-something year old form when around me. It fit his own mental space with me as an older brother since I always appeared to be in my late teens. Now he shrunk a few inches to just above me; we looked the same age now.

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