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today is the day. the day that i finally escape my parents house and move to new york from miami. i'm moving into an apartment with a couple of other people who i am yet to meet.

i'm a little nervous if i'm honest, i hate meeting new people but what i hate even more than that is living in my mom and step dads house. we have a very large family, i have two twin 5 year old brothers, a 14 year old and 12 year old sister and a brother who is 24, 2 years older than me. he recently moved out though with his girlfriend to new jersey.

so yeah it's pretty chaotic, with 2 teen girls fighting and 5 year olds screaming all the time. i'm 22 years old, i decided it was time for a change.

new york has always been in my dreams, the fashion, the photography, the culture. it's where i've wanted to be my whole life. i have distant family there, cousins, uncles, aunties and my dad and his wife also live there with his 2 kids.

"emilia are you sure you have got everything you need" my mom says, stressing as she looks around the car which is surrounded in boxes and bags of my things.

"i'm sure i have everything, but if not, it's new york i can get whatever i need here" i explain to her and she sighs. my stepdad stays quiet, but i can tell by his face he is complaining because he had to drive me here. me and him don't get along one bit and my mom hates it.

i stare out the window as we cross the bridge into brooklyn, the tall buildings towering over us. "it's so beautiful" i say.

"make sure don't leave the apartment alone, so you don't get lost. stay together, and have the police on speed dial incase anything happens to you" my mom stresses, her panicky voice echoing in the car.

"mom i'm sure i'll be completely fine, stop worrying" i explain to her as she bounces her leg up and down in nervousness.

"this is it" my stepdad says as he pulls the car into the apartment car park. i get out of the car instantly and look around the fairly quiet neighbourhood, a few restaurants placed in walking distance. we leave my bags in the car while we head up to check out the apartment.

we get up to the third floor and stand outside the door as i fumble the keys in my hand finding the right one. i manage to unlock it and head inside, immediately greeted by a blonde girl sat in the living room on the beige sofa, which has a fluffy blanket placed over it.

"oh hey i'm alex" she says, a big smile on her face as she comes over to me. "i'm emilia it's nice to meet you" i tell her as she greets me with a hug. she shakes my mom and stepdads hands and then turns back to me.

"your the first here besides me, still waiting for three others. i'll come and help you with your bags" she says to me, following us out of the door.

"so do you know any of the other girls who are moving in here?" i ask alex as she walks beside me, my parents leading the way down to the car. "yeah i know one, my best friend cari, she'll be here in a couple of hours" she explains to me and i nod.

it must feel great having someone you know moving in with you, especially your best friend. all of us grab a few of my bags each and head back up stairs, some of us taking the elevator to save our legs.

"so these are all of the bedrooms, the one on the far left is mine and the one beside it is reserved for cari and then the rest of them are free" alex says, showing me inside the bedrooms which look pretty spacious

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"so these are all of the bedrooms, the one on the far left is mine and the one beside it is reserved for cari and then the rest of them are free" alex says, showing me inside the bedrooms which look pretty spacious.

i end up choosing the room opposite alex's, putting all my bags on the bedroom floor and looking at the plain decor which i can definitely add some of my stuff to.

alex and i glance at each other and raise our eyebrows as we hear the front door open and the sound of suitcases being wheeled inside. "hello" a girls voice shouts. both of us run out of my room down the hallway to greet them, slowing down just before they see us so they don't think we're weird.

"hi" alex says.

"hey i'm zoe" the girl says, moving her mid length bleach blonde hair out of her face.

"oh hey i'm alex and this is emilia" the girl beside me says, i send a smile in zoe's direction. i watch awkwardly as her eyes scan around the room looking for the bedrooms.

"oh the last 2 rooms on the right are still free" i tell her, finally speaking up trying to push my shyness away. she nods and smiles, wheeling her suitcases away and down the corridor. alex and i look at each other raising our eyebrows and then walking back in the direction of our rooms.

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