one time thing

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i woke myself up at 8am today, all showered and completely ready by 10. i decided to go and see my dad early so that i can spend lots of time with him, well if he wants too anyway.

"hey morning" cari says, leaning on my door frame. her hair is tied into a bun on the top of her head, her hoodie covering up her underwear.

"hey" i say, applying some lip balm in the mirror. "where you off too" she asks me as i stand up and adjust my blue jeans, tucking in my vintage shirt a little neater.

"i'm going to see my dad actually" i explain to her, alex walks past with reggie, giving us a wave as she heads to the kitchen. cari rests her head against the door frame, looking anxious. "can we talk quickly before you leave, about last night?"she asks, her eyebrows furrowed a little bit.

"oh yeah, don't worry about it. just a one time drunk thing wasn't it" i say, applying some of my favourite perfume and turning to look at her.

"erm, oh yeah. yes! one time thing sure, glad we're on the same page" she tells me, stuttering her words a bit but i decide not to question it.

"cool, anyway i really gotta go my cab is here" i say, making my way over to the door where she is stood. she steps aside and let's me past, "ok, well, good luck" she tells me.

i exit the apartment, leaving a confused looking cari behind. quickly rushing downstairs to my cab, i give the driver the address and take a deep breath as he starts driving. i'm so so nervous to the point where my palms are sweaty and i have butterflies exploding in my stomach. i check my phone deciding to distract myself before i get there.

i have a few texts off the group chat that alex made with me her and cari.

hey good luck at your dads today, i'm sure he will be really excited to see you. text us if you need anything.
received at 10:25am

for real if you need me to come and get you at any point just let me know.
received at 10:27am

thanks guys, i should be fine. but just
been a long time since i last saw him
send at 10:28am

make sure you question him on it though
you deserve to know why he hasn't seen
received at 10:30am

i lock my phone and look out of the window at all the unfamiliar parts of new york i haven't seen yet. all the different neighbourhoods that you don't see in the movies.

the driver pulls up outside a random house matches the address that i have been given from my brother. i nod to myself and pay him, getting out of the car and staring at the house in front of me.

i once again take a deep breath and head up the porch stares, finding the door bell as soon as i get to the door. "are you expecting anyone!" i hear a woman's voice shout. the door opens and i see her stood in front of me.

"hi, erm. i'm emilia, i've come to see my dad" i say, she frowns at me and immediately shouts him. and then he appears, the guy i barely remember.

"what are you doing here?" he asks, frowning at me. "i live in new york now, i thought it would be perfect time to see you again" i say to him. he instantly shakes his head, "not today" he says, closing the door in my face.

i stand there in shock as i hear him lock it. i walk down the porch and get my phone out.

well that didn't go as planned
send at 10:46

what happened?
received at 10:46

he said "not today" and shut
the door in my face, lol
sent at 10:47

where are you, i'm coming to get you
received at 10:48

*address attached*
sent at 10:48

i put my phone in the pocket of my jeans and sit down on the edge of the sidewalk, not really knowing what to do with myself. believe me that hurt, a lot. but when someone hasn't been there pretty much most of my life then what am i even missing.

ten minutes later cari pulls up with alex and reggie in her car. they all get out and come over to me as i stand up. "are you ok?" cari asks instantly. "i'll be fine just get me out of here" i tell them and she nods.

"you sit in the front with cari" alex says, climbing in the back seat with her boyfriend. i sit beside cari and lean my head on the window. she starts the car, one hand on the wheel and the other rested on the arm rest in between us both. "you sure your ok?" cari says again.

"it sucks but it's whatever really" i tell her, i say playing with my rings. she reaches over and grabs one of my hands, trying to comfort me. i sigh and rest my head back on the seat.

my phone begins ringing so i answer it with my spare hand, it's my mom facetiming me, i don't mind if they hear. "hey mom" i say, looking out of the window.

"hey honey, how's it going" she talks through the speakers. "so i went to see dad today" i tell her, she knows how much my dad is a touchy subject for me.

"how was it" i hear the reluctance on her voice.
"he slammed the door in my face mom" i tell her, a tear falls down my face and i try my best to hide it.

"i'm so sorry honey" she says, sighing down the phone.

"i came thinking i'd have my dad, i'd have family here and people who will look out for me but nope" i say, my voice breaking with emotion. cari rubs her thumb up and down my hand comfortingly.

"your not regretting moving there are you, what about your roommates em, do you like them?" mom asks, growing concerned. i look around the car at them both and smile, drying the tears from under my eyes.

"of course i do, i love them, two of them came and picked me up from dads, they're here right now" i say, moving my phone so it's on the girl driving. "this is cari" i tell her. the girl beside me turns to look, giving my mom a smile. "hi, nice to meet you" she says.

"lovely to meet you too, better be driving safe there, two hands on the wheel" mom says. cari giggles but keeps holds of my hand anyway.

"and this is alex and her boyfriend" i say, as alex sticks her head out from behind me, putting her hand on my shoulder. "hello, we're taking good care of her i promise" alex explains as she looks down at mine and cari's intertwined hands and raises an eyebrow.

"anyway, don't be worrying about your dad, i know you were close once but that wife of his changed him. it's none of your fault remember that. i'll let you get going but get home safe, you'll be ok" mom says, i think she's finally on board with me living in new york finally. everybody says bye and i end the call, putting my phone on my lap.

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