the night before tour

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"has everyone finished" my mom asks as we all sit around the dinner table, we all nod and she begins stacking the plates up and taking them to the kitchen ready to be washed. "so what set list did you decide on cari for your tour?" alex asks watching her take a sip of her wine as she gets up the setlist on her phone.

1. guess we lied...
2. conversations
3. sting
4. serial heartbreaker
5. her body is bible
6. shh... don't say it
7. holiday
8. if I hated you
9. I love you bitch
10. feel
11. undrunk
12. better version
13. all love
14. sex with my ex
15. think I'm growing/ girl of my dreams
16. for cari
17. becky's so hot
18. bitter
19. wasted youth

alex nods in approval at her best friend, "I'm gonna miss you but have a great time and smash it girl" she says hugging into cari's side, who smiles and laughs and gives her a quick squeeze. "ill miss you too but I won't be gone long, how are you all gonna cope without me in the apartment back in new york" she says jokingly, kicking my foot gently from across the table. "I think it will be peaceful, don't you agree alex" I say jokingly with a little smirk on my face. alex nods and cari shakes her head at both of us, a smile still plastered on her face.

I yawn and then pick up my wine glass and take another sip, before getting up out of my chair and taking the rest of the stuff in the kitchen for my mom. I run my hands through my hair as I walk through the hallway back to the dining room, but I stop when cari comes round the corner and appears in front of me. she smiles and opens her arms, pulling me into her body tightly.

"I can't wait for you to be there watching me perform tomorrow" she says to me, rubbing her hand up and down my back as she holds me. "are you not nervous?" I ask her as I pull myself out of her arms, leaving my hands on her waist momentarily. "not yet, but I will be tomorrow" she explains to me, which is completely understandable. "I've not actually heard you sing in person" I tell her and she smiles.

"I know, I better make sure I'm at my best" she says to me and I laugh a little.

"cari, em come in here were picking a movie to watch!" we hear my mom shout from the living room, cari smiles and puts her arm around my shoulder as we walk side by side into the room where everyone is sat waiting for us. we sit down on one of the sofas, me being wedged in the middle of cari and alex. the kids are at there friends house tonight having a sleepover so we don't have to worry about what we put on.

"that looks good" reggie says, pointing out some random horror movie. we all nod and my mom puts it on, "can you grab some of those blankets" I say to cari, pointing at the basket beside her. she nods and grabs some out passing them to me. I hand one to reggie and alex and keep the other one for us. I pull it over my exposed legs, where cari's hand is placed warmly on my skin. she leans into me, getting herself comfy before focusing on the screen.

alex jumps on one of the jump scares making us all burst out laughing as she sits there embarrassed. I glance down at cari's phone seeing her posting a photo on her instagram.

 I glance down at cari's phone seeing her posting a photo on her instagram

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@findingxfletcher: tour starts tomorrow! who's excited? 😘

she puts her phone back down and puts her arm around my waist and pulls me into her, my head resting on her shoulder as she gently kisses the top of it and then rests her own head on top of mine. I don't know how to feel about her going on tour, it's going to be weird not seeing her for so long because we got so close so quickly and now I'm not going to see her. will it change anything? 

I didn't think much of it at the time but yesterday I got a message on instagram from what I'm assuming was her most recent ex girlfriend shannon. 

nowthisisliving: hey! sorry to randomly drop you a message like this. I know you don't know me but I'm shannon, cari's ex girlfriend. I just want to give you a bit of a heads up, I'm not doing this to be a dick or anything or because I want her back because I don't I'm very happy in my relationship I've got now. I'm just doing it as a girl looking out for another girl and also because I know cari better than most people. anyways, I've heard you two are dating through one of mine and hers mutual friend. I'm happy for you its cool, she's a caring girl and I'm sure she will treat you right but I just wanted to just tell you to just be careful. the reason her and I broke up is because she wanted to live her life and focus on her music and not be held back by anything, despite how much she claimed to love me. I just don't want the same thing happening to you as it wouldn't be fair. anyway sorry for the random message, I don't expect you to reply but good luck with everything I hope it all works out :)

I didn't reply to the message and I haven't told cari or anyone else about it but I was debating speaking to alex and seeing what she makes of it. she's her best friend if anyone would know it would be her. this is what I was scared of I just don't want to get hurt. 


after the movie ended I noticed alex go into the kitchen, "I'm just going to the bathroom" I say standing up and walking out of the room, sneaking into the kitchen. alex notices me and smiles, "can I show you something?" I ask her and she nods, coming over to me. I get the message up on my phone and hand it to her, I see her frown when she notices the name. I watch as she reads the message slowly and starts nodding to herself. 

"I was the one that told shannon that you two were dating, she was asking how cari was doing and if she had met anyone yet and stuff like that so I told her. I will admit I was a little bit cautious about it when you two started getting close,  because I don't know what cari wants, I don't know whether she's ready again for a relationship I have no idea she's not spoken about it" alex explains to me. 

I nod, "I just don't know what to make of it all" I tell her. 

"I know, I get it. but I think you need to speak to cari about it and see what she has to say and see what she wants out of this" she says to me and I nod. 

better version ; fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now