the morning after

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i'm quickly awoken by the sound of cari groaning loudly beside me, my head instantly hurting from the night before. i cover up my naked body, thinking back to what happened. no we didn't fuck, we just made out for a while. naked.

cari opens her eyes and looks down at her body, frowning her eyebrows and turning to me. "did we?" she asks, and i shake my head no. "we made out for like 20 minutes and then fell asleep" i explain to her.

"man i must of been tired if that was the case, especially when we are both literally naked" she says, sighing and rubbing her forehead. i sit up, holding the bed covers to my chest as i look around for cover up with. i grab one of cari's hoodies off the floor and slip it over my head.

i crawl out of bed, putting the sheets neat after myself. "where are you going?" cari asks, frowning her eyebrows. "one night things don't usually carry on to the next morning as well" i say with a smile on my face.

"oh that's shame, so we can't cuddle?" she questions and i shake my head. she pretends to be sad and hugs onto her bed sheets, getting herself comfy. i grin and unlock her bedroom door, purposely leaving it open as i leave to wind her up.

"emilia, wait come here i need your help girl" megan shouts form the living room, seeing me walk past in the hall. i make my way to her, seeing random people asleep all over the place. "oh" i say, looking at them all.

we both start waking people up, telling them that they need to leave. i look to the sofa seeing natalia fast asleep. cari joins us, now with clothes on. i kneel down beside the sofa and shake her gently, seeing her eyes slowly flutter open.
"hey, wake up you need to go" i say to her softly. she smiles at me and reaches to tuck my hair behind my ear. she sighs and gets up, almost falling over so she holds onto my arm for support.

"ok, i'm going. goodbye" she says, slowly exiting our apartment and disappearing. megan gets rid of the last few people, but then looks around in disappointment at all the cleaning there is to do.
i walk back to my bedroom and change into a simple black shirt and some jeans, putting cari's hoodie back in her room.

i sit on my bed a minute, my head still banging.

i sit on my bed a minute, my head still banging

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emiliaparker: morning nyc

megan comes running in, and jumps onto my bed next to me. she groans and puts her head on my chest. "you good" i ask her, as she gets comfy. "i'm hung over" she says, gripping my t shirt with her hand.

cari comes in and raises her eyebrows, doing the exact same thing as megan. she comes over and lies at the other side of me, burying her head in my neck, her arm across my stomach. "guys, i'm not a pillow" i tell them, but they stay there refusing to move.

shortly after alex comes out of her room yawning, a shirtless reggie behind her. she glances into my room as she walks past, stopping at the door and looking in with a grin on her face. "oh please do join us, i'm sure there's plenty of my body left for you to lie on" i say to her and they both laugh. this only makes cari grip onto me a little tighter.
i look down at her, her eyes closed, light breathing coming out of her mouth.

"you better not fall asleep on me cari fletcher" i say. her lips turn upwards a bit into a smile. "shhhh" she says.

"can you guys help me clean up, i cant do it alone" megan says, letting out a loud groan. she sits up and looks at us all. alex and reggie nodding, agreeing to help. "yeah of course, if cari ever decides to get off me" i say, looking down at the girl on my chest.

"don't even think about it" she says to alex who has a grin on her face. the blonde girl instantly runs over and pulls her best friend off of me and onto the floor. cari groans loudly and sighs, "you are all horrible" she says, pretending to sulk. i follow alex and megan into the living room, grabbing a few trash bags and throwing empty bottles and cups into it.

"so what happened with you two last night" alex says to me, referring to me and cari.

"oh nothing really, we were just drunk and messing about really" i explain to her. alex smirks and raises her eyebrows. i look at her questioningly as the same expression on her face doesn't leave.

"you listened to her album?" she asks and i shake my head. "go listen" she tells me.


what was all your favourite songs on the album????

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