Chapter 8

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{Quinn POV}

"Riley!" I screamed rushing to her body. Her breathing was erratic, and her eyes were rolling to the back of her head. I grabbed my phone with trembling hands and called 999. I didn't know what to do but something was seriously wrong.

"Emergency - which service do you require" the operated asked.

"Ambulance" I replied shakily.

"Okay what number are you calling from?" They asked.

"Umm, shit" I cursed trying to remember my number, "07452 833489"

"What is the location of the accident?"

"Dunderwood high school in the first corridor"

"And what's the problem?"

"She's collapsed and her breathing is out of sync" I was almost crying.

"How many people are involved?"


"What's the age of the patient?"


"Is the patient breathing?" I paused, what do I do, "right what you do is put you ear near her nose and see if her chest rises and falls"

I did as I was told.

"Yes she's breathing but only just slightly" I let out.

"The ambulance is almost there" she reassured me. Then the doors of the corridor opened and three people walked in all in green, two men and a women.

They went straight to her and I was pulled away by the women, though I didn't take my eyes off of my friend.

"Right hello dear, she will be okay, I just need you to concentrate on your breathing for me, okay?" I looked into the ladies eyes and slowed down my breathing, breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth. My hands were shaking along with my body. I looked over to Riley and saw the man pushing down on her chest. Her fragile body moving up and down, there was a crack and then her breathing came back.

They pulled her onto a stretcher and carried her towards the ambulance, I lifted my self and walked with shaky legs with the lady who was talking to me. She was put in the back of the ambulance with a pump attached to her face and needles in her arms. I got in the back with her and sat holding her hand.

"Yes, we have her breathing, heart attack. No 3 broken ribs" I heard the man talking into a walky talky thing. Three broken ribs?

"Excuse me can I have you and your friends name please?" The man asked from beside me.

"Uh I'm Quinn Swan and she's Riley Kelly" he nodded writing it down.

"Right Quinn I want you to know that what you did for your friend is the best thing and you have gave her a chance to come back to us" I nodded.

"So we will have to take a statement from you, you may stay with her but she will go straight to operation to sort out her ribs and get her heart to start beating strongly again" I nodded again.

The ride was shorter than I had thought and before I knew it she was being wheeled away down a hall whilst I sat waiting for my friends outcome.

"Hi my name is Sam" a man said sitting next to me, "I'm here to take your statement, but don't rush yourself, and I will also be here for both you and Riley to talk to" I smiled a tired smile at Sam.

"Okay, thank you" I said turning to face him.

"So how did this happen do you think?" He asked.

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