After a while asslick and zen were really close but zen forgot to pay her rent so she got kicked out Ingrid had no space since she cosplayed a bit too much and
araksan still lived with her parents..
well they could have chosen to live with the girls but cmon this is a Wattpad story
so their only choice was asslick
he lived in an apartment enough room for 2 we dont really know why but yeah
so one day they texted asslick and asked if they could live there until they had enough money asslick let her live there since he was really lonely (L haha)The next morning zen woke up 6 for their early shift, it early but they heard a noice what could it be they asked themselves the noice was coming from asslicks room she carefully open the door and then she saw asslick gaming and being live on tiktok and him with messy hair and looking tired zen told him to go to sleep and be replied with "your not my mom" and they replied back with "this is why you film tiktok lives every morning of you being half asleep because you have nothing better to do and rely on tiktok for money you loser" while zen enjoyed the shocked look on his face he decide to go to sleep and obey zen because it's not worth the fight after awhile zen leaves note on the fridge for him before they left for their shift