I was wrong about you

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I was scared that I have managed to upset my girl again and this time I was solely the reason.

"I will come back later." She said and turned to go.

"No please wait!" Jessica insisted.

Teju halted in her steps and and looked at us.

"I know what I said and the way I behaved was not acceptable I am genuinely sorry I have always been protective of Karan and this has never happened before that I didn't knew something so big so I got scared and I reacted this way." Jessica tried to explain.

"Please don't explain its actually Okay because I do understand where you were coming from since the time I have known Karan I have realized that he's too precious and needs to be protected from the world because he's an amazing person." She explained while moving towards Jess.

"I was wrong about you, for the first time I can actually admit that Karan selected a good one this time. Wrna seriously he had such a bad taste in women and worst part was we had to tolerate them because of him." Jess said insulting my choice and appreciating my last choice I don't know whether to take offense or be happy?

Teju laughed. I guess I should be happy if it makes her laugh then I am okay being insulted like this.

"Are we done? Because we have to go and shoot our scenes we are already very late?" I said.

"Yeah." She said.

"Acha phailai idher aa." I told her while moved my hands forward in gesture for her to take it. She came near me instantly and hugged me tightly.

"Are you okay?" I whispered in her ears softly and rubbed her back gently.

"Now I am." She said softly.

"Awwww! Are you guys going to behave like this? I mean are you both actually this cute and adorable?." Jessica gushed in her most dramatic way.

We both pulled a part and didn't said a word while Jess smiled like a evil witch I guess now I know why I didn't told her before about my relationship because I knew she is going to the most dramatic person about it I have known her for more than eight years, but I guess I had to tell one day or another so I think I just need get used to her behaviour around me and Tejasswi.

"Are you going to stay or go?" I said annoyingly.

"I know you want me to go Sunny boy but I am going to stay here for a while I am just getting to know your girl." She said and I could just roll my eyes at her statement.

"First of all don't call me Sunny or put a boy infront of that, second my girl doesn't need to know you she is a busy person unlike someone so go find some work and leave us at our working hours." I told her. Tejasswi glared at me for being rude to Jess but she doesn't know this woman if she stays here with us she is going to irritate us to the last point. While my girl pulled my hand and looked at me as if I just murdered someone that evil witch just smiled as if she has just achieved something of course she has, she just gained more brownie points from my girl by being nice infront of Tejasswi and making me the bad guy.

"Jess you are most welcome to stay here we do get free between the shots so we would definitely have fun." Tejasswi offered Jess.

"Thank you Teju you are so sweet,I don't want to be a burden though Karan said you guys would be busy." Jess said innocently.

She is too much to handle she is behaving so innocently infront of Tejasswi but I know her she doesn't have a single bone of innocence but I can't do anything about it.

"Karan? Tell her she can stay it's not nice she just returned to Mumbai and came all the way to meet you." Tejasswi said eyeing me angrily and I know I have to agree.

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