I want to marry your daughter

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Lately I have been in touch with Teju's brother Pratik who lives in UK. He's a little mature for his age.

When I first talked with him he was polite but he asked about my intention and I was very clear that I want his sister, he was very happy that Teju finally found someone.

I asked him what his parents think about me as Teju's boyfriend, he smiled and said you would be very pleased to know that they actually liked you even before Teju got to know you, and then after you both got together they have accepted you whole heartedly.

I asked him "What if I wanted to go and see them?"

"What do you mean you want to see our parents?with Teju?" He asked.

"Ummm no I wanted to meet them personally." I said.

"Are you gonna do what I think you are gonna do?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered confidently.

"Really? Oh wow ,umm fine fine you can go and see them I can arrange that." He said.

"Thank you this will mean a lot." I said.
I have never had this urge before but when I see her I see stars of hope and life but also to make her my forever.

I always thought marrying is overrated what's the use when you are already living together and sharing the whole life together but after her I know I have to marry, I see myself, her to be whole mine. Sharing a life with my name with her, it's has nothing to with possession but only put of love. I want her to be my family.

"My pleasure but what will you tell Teju when you leave you know how she can be? She will go crazy if she finds out you are hiding something from her." He said clearly scared from Teju.

I started to laugh loudly Teju can never sit straight if she knows something is going around and she don't know about it.

"I will handle her." I simply said.

Some days went by, me and Pratik planned everything out.

"Teju I have some work in Punjab I am going to go this Saturday." I announced while she was watching TV.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I m going to Punjab." I said again.

"Yes I heard you the first time but why all of a sudden?" She asked.

"Papa called today and asked me to come and sort his work." I said.

"Ok we can go together as I am free too." She said.

I quickly got alarmed she can't go with me.

"What would you do there? I will be back by Sunday." I said.

"Yeah but I can come too na I will see your childhood home and places which you talk so fondly about." She said.

"I won't have time because I will be busy with my father's work so probably next time?" I tried reasoning with her.

"Okay sure." She said sadly. Then she turned to see her program she was watching.

"I will come back as soon as possible I promise." I said while going where she is sitting and kissed her forehead and put my arms around her. I feels I my heart could explode with immense love and peace I feel around her. I just wonder how that it is possible but she makes it happen and I will be grateful to her for being mine, for choosing me over every possibility. She didn't ran when she had the choice.

"Okay." She said. Smiling a little I gave her quick peck.

"Come let's eat." I took her hand and made her sit at the table. We ate dinner peacefully.

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