A Day At Work

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Today's scene was planned in a coffee shop where the female lead was going to give divorce papers to the male lead because the female lead was dying of illness.

The cozy coffee shop is filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and soft chatter. The atmosphere, however, feels heavy with tension. Me and Karan were feeling emotional and didn't know why but we , sat at a small table in the corner, our faces etched with sorrow and uncertainty.

The director, approaches us, empathetic and understanding.

"Karan?" He softly addressed Karan while putting his hand on his shoulders.

"Today you and Teju, shooting the breakup scene. It's a heartbreaking moment for your characters, and I know it won't be easy. But trust in your connection and let the emotions flow. We're here to support you every step of the way." Director said and we both noded our heads

With that said me and Karan exchange a melancholic glance, a mix of love and pain shimmering in our eyes. We both knew it was just a scene but still it felt wrong.

"Camera department, are we ready?" We both heard a faint shout at the back.

The CAMERA OPERATOR adjusts the camera, preparing to capture every raw emotion of the impending breakup of ours.



"All set, Sir."

Next director said

"Lighting department, let's create a somber ambiance."

They  adjusted the lighting, casting soft, muted tones that mirror the heaviness of the scene.

"Lighting is ready, director" they said.

"Sound department, ensure we capture every whispered word." Director said final orders

The SOUND RECORDIST checks the microphones, ensuring they are perfectly positioned to capture the dialogue with clarity.



"Sound is set, director."

"Thank you, everyone. Now, Teju and Karan, take a moment to ground yourselves in your characters' pain. Trust in your connection and let it guide you through this scene." Director said to us.

Karan and I tooka deep breath, our hands trembling with a mix of nerves and determination.

Director shouted

"Alright, places, everyone."

Me and Karan took position  at the table, their hearts heavy with the weight of the impending breakup.

"Action!" Director said

Me and Karan began the scene, our voices filled with sorrow and resignation.

My voice quivering

"Rahul, we can't keep pretending. Our love has become suffocating, and it's tearing us apart." I said.

Karan (teary-eyed)

"I know, Sakhshi. It hurts so much, but maybe it's time we let go. We've lost ourselves in this relationship."

Their voices crack with emotion, their eyes locked in a heartbreaking exchange. They both got up while Teju left a letter with Karan while singing the divorce papers and walking ahead of him. Both looked at each other for the last time knowing it was for the best. They both left.

Director  "Cut."

The room falls into a profound silence. Me and Karan stood frozen. I started crying thinking all of this for real. We both knew it was for the reel but we could actually feel the pain of one another in the scene.

Karan instantly came towards me taking in his arms and hugging me tightly.

"Oyee laddoo you can't cry like this baby it was just a scene." He said voice still heavy.

"I know." I simply said while holding him a little more closer.

We winded our others scenes quickly then walked back to our vanity. We didn't talked much. I took my blanket out and lied down on the sofa.

Karan came to my vanity bringing food.

"You want to sleep Teju?" He asked sitting beside and pushing back my hair.

I just shook my head saying yes.

He kisses my forehead repeatedly.

"You are the most beautiful women I know I love you too much. Please remember that." He whispered softly.

My heart clenched hearing him say that.

"Sunny can you promise me something?" I said. Feeling tearful.

"Yes ask me anything." He said while caressing my cheeks softly.

"I know we are soon getting married but I also know we fight all lot. So promise me we are going to give space to one another if we ever feel it's getting too much or our argument is getting no where?" I asked.

"Baby I know that scene disturbed us too much but I also feel we can make it work and I think you are right about giving space. So I do promise you when something like this happens I am going to give my 200% to make it last and I am going to give each space so that we can reach back to each other because that's where we belong.
You will always be my always baby." Karan reassured me and brought and his lip to my lips kissing me softly.

His words gave me reassuring I needed but his kiss washed away all my doubts I had.

We both lied down on the sofa Karan spooning me and we slept. After an hour we got up had our lunch and then went back to work.

At night we both went home together. This day made me realise how important it is to make and work on relationships because if we don't we would make one an another suffer.

I love Karan but it can't be just verbal I have to show him through my actions. Relationship can't be taken for granted. Today was a great lesson for me to understand I can't live without Karan and I am going to make sure our relationship stays the same forever.

( Sorry for a long gap of no posting this chapter was ready but my wattpad was not letting me login. But today through VPN server I connected and now I am posting my chapter. I hope you all like it soon I will be finishing this story. Thank you for showing so much love and patience.)

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