Friendly lunch with my co star

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After cut we were going back to our vanity as it was lunch time. I looked at her she was literally running to her vanity... what is this girl I smiled.

"Tejasswi." I called her from behind.

She stopped and turned "yeah?" She asked almost irritated what was she going to do in her vanity that she was this irritated because I stopped her? Is someone coming to meet her? Someone special? Umm boyfriend thinking all this was making me angry somehow but why am I feeling like this?

"Come let's eat together?" It slipped out of my mouth I guess I didn't wanted her to meet certain someone who she was running to meet in her vanity.

"You want to eat with me? Ok let me bring my food too." She said cheerfully and again started to run towards her vanity "more food" she whispered excitedly and I heard her even before I could say anything to her she reached her vanity and went inside.

Even less than two minutes she was out with her lunch box still in her dress that she was wearing in the shot she was smiling so brightly "Let's go." She said happily.

We both went in my team was present inside and was surprised to see her with me.
"Tejasswi this is my manager Om and my whole team." I introduced her to them but these people stood there dumbfounded staring at her I wanted to hit them all so badly specially this smirky manager of mine something is hell wrong with him.

"Hi" she shyly said they all waved at her. Waved? I thought I have gone crazy today but I guess everyone in my team has gone crazy. Was something wrong in tea we all had together in the morning yup definitely the tea.

They all started to move to second room and left us alone we both sat and she started to open her lunch excitedly and I opened mine.

"I was so excited to eat my lunch because today mom send me biryani." She exclaimed she was behaving like a child who finally got his favourite food.
"That is why you were running?" I asked

"Yeah." She sheepishly said I think I embarrassed her but she looked so cute I couldn't resist asking that.

"Okay then you will be happy to know that I bought chicken curry with fried rice, you like that?" I asked nervously hoping she does like to eat what I brought.

"Yeah first it's from home I love homemade food and second I like to eat chicken so I can eat anything." She laughed while explaining her love for food.

We both ate and shared our food with each other she even made me go to my team and offer them some of our food, though we all do eat together but today I like this change me eating with her but I couldn't deny her so I went unwillingly and offered them and they were giving me teasing eyes. I surely have weird people working for me I do need a new team who don't tease me for no reason I am just having a friendly lunch with my co star.

This is all so refreshing I don't know how to express this girl is carefree who likes to eat her food and most of all she is wearing her dress I have worked with so many actresses but never seen like her who doesn't change her clothes while eating as everyone worries that they might spoil their dresses while eating but she is different and I am not gonna lie but I am actually fascinated by her.

After lunch we again went for shooting first it was her solo shots and I sat through those shots looking at her, she was amazing her expression were on point no doubt she was an amazing actress.

Later it was my turn after giving my shots I looked around at saw her sitting again with her book and she was drinking something.

I went and sat with her as after that shot being shot with other actors it was our shot together.

"Hiiii!" She excitedly said

"Hi" I said back after whole day shooting where is she getting her energy is she drinking during shooting I looked at her suspiciously.

"What?" She asked

"Nothing what are you drinking?" I asked her

"Oh this? This is my fruit juice with beetroot it's good for the skin so I have it daily wanna try?" She asked while forwarding her mug to me I took it and had a sip surprisingly it was only juice well she is a weird girl I can't expect anything from her.
I gave back her mug and told her to get ready as next shot was our she said I am prepared. So I just nod head and went for my touch-up.

It was a very happening day, over all it was hectic with all day shoot that lasted till 11 at night but I was not tired I was not irritated most of all I was not feeling an ounce of anger that's new but it's okay let's see what in store for me hoping for the best.
Went back to my house it was empty I felt empty the feeling I dreaded the most but that's how my life has been before her and even after her. I quick took a shower and went to bed.

Thinking about certain someone who I just met today and I can't stop thinking about her she's so weird I mean different than the girls I knew before.

I slept with her thoughts can't wait for tomorrow to see her again.

You Miss Tejasswi Prakash you have bewitched me and I can't seem to complain about it.

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