Will You Marry Me?

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Karan's pov,
Since I have got up I have not seen Tejasswi. I know she knows I lied to her but I don't know where she went.
our shooting call time was at evening.

I have called several times on her phone but it is switched off.

I hope she's okay. I know how stubborn she can be when she is angry but she will cool down quickly as well.

I went in kitchen to make tea. There was a note left on the slab of the kitchen.

I picked up, it was her note.
"Can you pick me up from the that park we first went to? At 4pm I went to meet my friend. I didn't charged my phone so probably it will be dead soon.
Love Teju. (Laddoo)"

Park? Friend? What is wrong with this girl but I can't help but get upset. She left without a proper hug and a kiss, no tea sharing. Yesterday we didn't met for the whole day and last night she was drunk and now she has left to meet someone.
Soon at three I got up to get ready while I wasted my whole day sulking.

At 3:45 I left the house I wanted to leave early but I wondered how am I gonna contact her when I can't call her.

At 4 I parked outside the park but I saw no one. I went in. One boy approached me.

"You are looking for your girlfriend na?" He said with silly smile

I ruffled his hair and nodded my head.

"She's there at the end before l she was here for few minutes but then she left to go over there. she said you will come here in five minutes. She showed me your picture to let me know who I have to pass the message." He said while he pointed towards the end area of the park I remember we had one picnic there as a date it was really special. There for the first we expressed how serious we were about one another and we see each as each other "the one" I wondered what she is up to. I walked towards the place.

As I approached the place. It was decorated simply with rose petals on the grass with aesthetic candles it looked beautiful with evening dim light and then simple set up I looked around for her I saw Teju in a simple short red dress with open hair, her hair were curled she simply looked like a red fairy I couldn't help but smile at her.

"What is all this Laddoo." I said pointing towards the whole scene.

"You like it?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes it's beautiful. What are you up to?" I asked feeling overwhelmed.
She started to take steps towards me and I felt as if my dream coming towards me to complete me.

"You should have never lied to me Sunny but now that you have...you made me curious about why you lied. Uncle called me in the afternoon when he couldn't reach your phone there I got to know you never left for Punjab." She said with a evil smile and I still thought if today she would ask for my life I am going to hand it over in a heartbeat.
"I couldn't reach you I had to do something to find out what you were up to and you would be surprised to know but I know where and why you went....now that you are ready to take that step and you got the permission I guess now I can win in this too. You know how I am...it's good you started this but now I am gonna finish it. Because Sunny everything is fare in love and war and this is definitely love." She said as she stopped in front of me.

"You are not gonna say anything." She asked suddenly looking nervous as I held her hand tightly as hell.

"You think I can speak anything?" I asked with teary eyes.

"I was out since morning because I had to do so much. I hope you like the ring." She said with a grin.
I looked at her alarmed it should have been me but here she is giving me the best proposal a man could ever ask for. Here I felt so lucky and special but I know I am going to give her the proposal she deserves no matter what she does today.

"All my life I searched for better reasons not to love and when I stopped you came running into my life I never knew life could be so simple untill I met you I realised I could be happy with daal chawal and long silent drives if I had the best person to spend it with. with you I never had to be special for you to like me because you made me feel special because you loved me. And now when I close my eyes I only a see a future which we built together and we are living in it together. So Karan Kundrra I am saying I want to marry you." She said while she cried and I cried with her how beautifully she expressed everything. With that said she went down on one knee but I held her and and went down on my knees with.
"Answer me baby will you marry me?" She asked again as she held the ring.

Is that how it should feel when a person gets proposed because I am feeling as if my world has stopped but at the same I feel like my world is just beside me making the whole new universe for me to live with her.

I was crying hysterically she wiped my tears. While I wiped her and held her cheeks as softly as I could worrying I might ruin the whole thing if I speak a word but I know how stupid that thought is because my answer is what depends the whole proposal. I smiled at this girl who stole everything from me and returned it in ten folds I am glad I had worts relationships because I got the best one right here who is going to complete me whole destiny.

"Yes baby thousand times yes. It will always be you. You will always be my always baby." I said placing my lips on her savouring the moment as slowly as we could I held her close to me feeling my soul leaving my body but at the same her making me whole again.

The air was electric as my eyes met her's it felt as if we are meeting for the time but with all the love for one another. My heart raced as I leaned in again pressing my lips against hers. My hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer as our bodies pressed against each other. The kiss was soft, yet passionate, as we got lost ourselves in the moment, forgetful of everything else around us it was just me and her. Her fingers entwined in my hair, playing with the short strands as we explored each other's mouths. I softly laid her down on the grass. The world seemed to stand still as the two of us shared an intimate moment, lost in our own world of desire and excitement. Finally, as when pulled away, we  both knew that this was just the beginning of our love story.

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