Ummm, hi I am Karan's girlfriend

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Everything was back to normal we didn't reacted much to the those clips, people posted ridiculous articles that made us laugh, it said that I was cheating him they even had the audacity to state that I was living off on his money and cheating him behind his back, only if they could see where I was right now...I am sitting on him lap while reading headlines of these articles to him.

"You know they are saying I am cheating on you." I said after a while of silence.

"Does it matter?" He asked looking at me softly.

"Not to me but I am telling you that this is what it's been said about me." I said back to him.

"Some months before they published the same article only difference was today it's your name that time it was mine." He said.

I looked at him and sighed today I feel the dept of what he felt when he was accused for cheating his partner, doesn't matter if I didn't believed those allegations because today he doesn't believe those allegations put upon me but it still hurts to see so much hatred thrown at you for no reasons.

I feel so blessed that I have him but he had no one I kissed his cheeks.

"Thank you for being mine." I said to him

"Don't look at me like that." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked laughing softly.

"When you look at me with your soft gaze full of love it makes me shy." He explained while rubbing his eyes to avoid looking at me I laughed as this shy looking man.

"But why? Can't I admire my love? That I got something so special without even looking around? It just came to me! Or that I have someone who loves me back with the same amount of intensity if not more?" I asked him while looking at him.

"No you can but usually you don't stay stuff like that but when you look at me like this I feel like I am your only world and that makes me feel whole but shy and giddy too." He explained.

I kissed his lips softly while he kissed me back too it felt amazing to kiss the person you love the most, it's always different when I kiss him I guess people were right when they say it's different when you love and kiss the person who is the one for you.

After him I believe in destiny. Does it make sense? That someone at the age of 29 changed her ideology of living just after she met this wonderfully amazing person?

I have seen Karan doing so much for me he does so much subtly that a normal person won't even know but I do I notice everything he does, I see him when he refills his and mine vanity with snacks because I like munching on it. I see some hair bands on his dashboard because after shoot I tend to tie my hair in car, whenever I walk in heavy dresses he always makes sure he's one step behind me to make sure I don't trip on my own clothes, when I am on my periods he's on high alert not because I can explode at him but to make sure I am taken care of. He makes me feel loved and cherished I could have never find someone like him and I won't be able to find one anymore too because I got the one I got who was made for me I can spend my whole life with this person without any regrets.

When we pulled back we were both breathless.

"I love you Sunny and I don't know if I could have ever loved someone more than I love you." I said while caressing his cheeks.

"You better." He said cheekily.

My expression changed as I wait for him to say it back Instead of his cheeky remark.

"Say it!" I insisted strongly.

"What?" He asked smiling.

I slapped his face and he looked at me stunned at my action.

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