It Going To Be Another Boring Year....... Or is it?

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Josh's Perspective 

I woke up to the sun shining and thought great another depressing and boring year of high school. On the way to school I noticed that a raven was following me I didn't think much of this as they were an omen of intellect. When I finally arrived there was a lot of commotion it seemed to be surrounding the sleek red Mustang Cobra, and who could possibly be the owner.

"Hey Josh did you see that sweet ride?" called Gabby from beside her boyfriend Eddie the sexy Mexican. 

"Yeah I saw it." I responded dreamily as I had seen some handsome person get out. Who could it be? Where did he come from? How could he be so damn hot? What is his skin routine because that face seemed so smooth? All these questions filled my mind until I got to my quantum physics class ( honestly not sure what my obsession of quantum physics being a class in high school is but here we go using it again). 

The mystery man was in my class in fact my seat was in front of him. My mate Mully, who sat to my left, nudged my elbow and mouthed did you see the new guy. I mouthed back you mean him   I nodded my head in the direction of the seat behind me.

Juicy's Perspective 

I shouldn't be trying to blend in here there are way to many thoughts and intoxicating smells. There's one smell in particular that is driving me insane and it's coming from the lad I front of me, I knew this because when he inclined his head exposing his slim tender neck the scent sent a shock wave to my system and I wanted so bad to taste him. At last, I must not do it that would be proving all the other vampires right one cannot live on just animal blood. The teacher was droning on about quantum physics but I wasn't paying attention because I had already learned this stuff centuries before instead I was trying not to give into the urge that was beginning to make my  fang to ache.

In history class I was thankful that that Josh lad wasn't in there because my thirst was slowly  becoming unbearable, the stag I had drank from hadn't been enough after all. I was glad my best friend was my teacher now I know for a fact the students at Crystal High would have a spasm if they knew about Narrator's physical condition as they would call it. My bestie is a werewolf and yes I know it sounds crazy a vampire and werewolf getting along when all your books tell you we are incapable of it.

Thank the gods that the day was over but now I had to go hunting because my throat or should I say my veins felt dry enough to crack. So on my way back to my secret hide out I cut through the old cemetery and there found a fox I drank it's blood but not enough to kill it. Once I made it to the old abandoned cabin that Narrator and I called home, I went to my room and got my journal writing: 

September 8th

It's been forever since someone's blood has driven me wild. I am just glad that I this time I resisted because this one I feel is important to keep alive. I do not know why but I just have a feeling he is going to be a big part of my existence.

I slam the blue leather journal shut when I hear footsteps approaching my door. "Wow the day went that bad?" Narrator as he saw the journal in my hand. "Well actually it was a success even though I almost didn't resist a certain someone." I responded softly. "Yeah I heard a lot of the girls complaining that the new student wouldn't stop drooling over the high school's Student Council Rep instead of them." Narrator giggled at the memory of the cheerleading girls that I knew had been jealous.

Okay honestly there is so much more to this I'm just to tired to write the rest but in every chapter there is going to be one Josh's Perspective and one Juicy's Perspective. Hope you enjoy PENDEJOS HAHA I'm kidding none of you are a PENDEJO if anyone is one it's the author of this fic. Oh I should probably mention their in Australia because I just love the accents from there and because why not be different from all the fic where they seem to be in America. 

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