No One Is What They Seem

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Josh's Perspective 

I couldn't sit still in my Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering class. All I kept thinking about was I actually talked to Juicy who called me of all people hot stuff. I honestly couldn't tell you what we did in class because I was to busy trying  to picturing what Juicy looked like shirtless in all his sexy glory. I barely heard the bell ring signaling the end of the day but thank the nine realms Kevin was paying attention. 

"Hey dreamer boy the bell rang." Kevin's shrill voice rang in my ear.

I ran to my locker hoping to whatever gods were willing to listen that Juicy hadn't been waiting long for me to do party planning. Turns out I was the one having to wait for him so I decided to talk to Gabby who was waiting for Eddie.

"Doesn't it usually go the other way in most relationships that the guy is waiting for the girl because their like ten times slower then us guys." I asked.

"Asks the guy waiting for a guy to hurry up." She responded with a laugh. 

We were so distracted by talking to each other I didn't even realize when Juicy did walk up to us.

"Hey Josh I'm here." Juicy said with a lot of enthusiasm.

"Oh hey you must be Juicy. Eddie talks about you a lot says you're  the only person he couldn't read without use a little bit of his Mexican Magic. Of course I can tell without using my witching powers that you're something supernatural." Gabby said. 

I wondered what she meant by everything. Was Eddie a Mexican Sorcerer? What did she mean witching powers? Did the supernatural actually exist and if so what did she mean Juicy wasn't human? 

Juicy's Perspective

"Oh hey you must be Juicy. Eddie talks about you a lot says you're the only person he couldn't read without use a little bit of his Mexican Magic. Of course I can tell without using my witching powers that you're something supernatural." Gabby spoke with an air of ancient witch wisdom, she clearly comes from that particular witching heritage that ran very close to the supernatural realm.

"Yes and you must be the famous Gabrielle that he never stops talking about. He ought to just pop the question already it's quite clear he is totally and utterly in love with you." I responded yet again slightly lying  because the truth is Eddie only really thought of this girl all the time and I never talked to Eddie.

"Let's get going Juicy we have a lot of planning and we still have to find a place to discuss the plans." Josh started to whining he is absolutely without a doubt the cutest when he does that. 

"How about The Celestial Bar and Grill it's got the perfect party planning atmosphere in town." I suggested.

"Sounds perfect to me." Josh said and we linked arms as we walked the four blocks to get there. 

When we arrived I was surprised when the first thing Josh said was,

"What was Gabby talking about when she said you're more than human you're supernatural?"

"I have no idea Josh I personally don't believe in the whole supernatural and witchy stuff." I quickly answered but just at that moment, I could feel my fangs lengthen and that all to familiar burning sensation in my veins, I was thirsty and Josh was smelling more appetizing by the second.

"Shit Juicy I don't think Gabby was wrong about you being part of the supernatural what are you  exactly?" Josh asked clearly scared yet oddly intrigued. 

I sat closer to him but not close enough so as to make sure my vampire instincts didn't take full control because I don't want to harm Josh he's to important. 

"I'm a vampire Josh and I sorta lied to you earlier today. I'm sorry about that but the truth is I actually took in the history teacher. I found him about fourteen years ago alone in the woods scared that his family wouldn't want him if they knew he was a werewolf. You see Josh the supernatural shit you read in books does exist. Do me a favour when you go home tonight ask your mate Mully if he has anything to share I guarantee you won't be disappointed you asked." I whispered. 

" Okay and um Juicy you look um what's the right word for it ... thirsty. I have a wildly and possibly stupid suggestion on how to get rid of it in a none suspicious manner." Josh said obviously not scared of what he was proposing we do. 

He wanted me to bit his neck making it look like I was just sucking a hickey on it which might not be a terrible idea if his blood didn't drive me to a completely crazed state. Honestly when he suggested it though I had the urge to do more than just kiss and suck on his slim tender neck I wanted him. So against my better judgment I grabbed his hand  and lead him to the bathroom locking the door behind us. After I pulled Josh into the bathroom he began to stutter I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. 

I sunk my teeth in running my hands down his small frame and god did he ever taste better than I thought I kept sucking enjoying the taste of his sweet surrender. 

"Oh god fuck Juicy." Josh moaned my name and seemed to be shaking with pleasure.

I'm such a tease I know but I did warn you the sex was going to be over two chapters plus I think you'll enjoy it more from Josh's Perspective. 

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