Trauma Drama

50 1 3

Josh's Perspective

Juicy had left to get the creepy old mansion ready for the party and I was about to head to my room for a nap. I felt like I was going to pass out at any given time who knew sex could make you sleepy.

"Hey Josh can I talk to you alone for a minute." Mully whispered to me guiding me into his room.

When we entered his room, he shut the door pinning me against it I shut my eyes getting ready for whatever I thought he was going to do. I could smell the dinner we had on his breath but also a trace of....... was that tequila? Bloody hell was pinned to the only escape route with a possibly drunk cat.

"Have I ever told you that you look adorable?" Mully asked.

"Sure you told me that this morning and like every day since I've known you so what?" I asked with a shrug of my shoulders. 

"Well your looking extra adorable today Josh." Mully said leaning in closer planting a kiss on my cheek and then feather like kisses down my jawline.

I stood there frozen I know I love Juicy but god Mully's lips were soft against my skin and I couldn't think anymore. Mully started rubbing his strong hands down, my sides as he licked the puncture wounds that Juicy left on my neck, it felt oddly satisfying.

"Didn't it hurt when he did that to your beautiful skin?" Mully asked as he purred in my ear.

"Not really all I felt was a strong sense of lust." I panted out totally forgetting that but a short few seconds ago how tired I felt.

God I hate myself because I know that Juicy knows exactly what's going on he's no PENDEJO as Eddie would call it, he's a vampire there's no way to be stupid. Mully probably knew that Juicy would know what he was doing and was hoping that he would get his attention to see how much Juicy actually loves me. Juicy was probably relaying on me to make so kind of effort to push Mully away yet here I was just letting it happen because my body wouldn't move. I'm a terrible person someone kill me now please I'm begging I thought to myself.

"I never noticed this before but you got a nice little body Josh." Mully said letting out a low cat like noise as he pinned my arms above my head. (Please forgive me for using a directioner reference I'm slowly getting myself away from that fandom due to mental and what not reasons)

Now I wasn't aware that this kind of position was a turn on for me but just then I felt my jeans tighten god I felt like a slutty little bitch boy. It was bad enough the kids in school thought their High School Rep was feminine person who liked calling people Daddy (this of course wasn't true) I didn't want the reputation of slutty little bitch boy as well.

Mully and I made out it was mostly him doing all the work due to my temporary paralysis or whatever you want to all it but, he seemed to enjoy being the one in control like he was denied it in previous relationships. I was grateful when there was a slight knock on the door because it make Mully back away from me. I opened the door total mistake though it was Eddie and he had a full view of the bulge in my jeans. I quickly ran from Mully's room into mine and slammed the door shut.



I sat on my bed rocking back and forth the two of them shouting reminded me of why I left home in the first place my parents weren't the best parents you could say. Shouting for me equaled traumatic breakdowns and I was on the verge of having a total psychotic one if they didn't stop soon. Gabby walked in and thank god she had because I was just about to break.


Juicy's Perspective 

As I left I heard Mully whisper to Josh, I also listened to Mully's thoughts to see if there were any ill intentions but only got the impression of a civilized discussion. Trusting what I heard I used vampire speed to get to the mansion I wanted to waste no time getting that place looking clean and as romantic as possible since I knew Eddie's little secret. I wanted it to be perfect for him and Gabby because you only did this kind of thing once or at least you only had one chance back  in 1584. It only took Narrator and me about fifteen minutes to get it done I had called him over because he knew more about modern style then I did. Once the whole place had no specks of cobwebs and looked the way it did back when the original family lived in it, I sighed out saying to myself or so I thought,

"Welcome home Geage."

"Geage?" Narrator asked with general curiosity.

"Well yeah you actually thought my parents named me Juicy Grant?" I asked using Narrator's real name.

"To be honest yes I actually did. So this is the famously talked about Gibson Manor seems more gloomier then you described it." Narrator said looking at the main entrance area.

"That's because you're not looking at the area I spoke of." I said throwing open the heavy elaborated brass doors exposing the ancient ballroom the only room we didn't put a modern touch to because I refused to let Narrator see it until now.

I didn't want this room to change it had the right amount of romantic charm for Eddie's surprise and because it was my favourite part of my old home. Your probably wondering how I was able to enter it without being invited here let me explain it to you. I was able to enter it because no one has lived in it since my family and when my death happened I was the last living resident thus allowing me to enter of my own free will. I also had compelled the town back in 1584 to forget its existence when I left only to return a good fourteen years ago when I meet that dorky blonde werewolf with a thousand voices. 

I told Narrator he should come with me back to Josh's house he agreed reluctantly. When we got there I sensed something was off Josh was letting out thoughts of distress that's when I heard Gabby yell at Eddie and Mully.


I gave Narrator one quick look and he nodded we ran into the house using our super a speed we made it to Josh's room I got about a foot into the room before realizing my thirst I couldn't go near him so I shot the two boys a "I'll deal with you bitches later just you wait" look. Since Narrator was right behind me he understood the look next look that was on my face he walked over to Josh and wrapped him up in his strong arms to comfort him.

"Hey Josh remember me it's Narrator I'm here with your boy Fruity." He said in a caring tone. 

He was so much better at comforting the human race I had no idea how he did it because I sure has hell wouldn't even know we're to start. In my human life I never had someone comfort me so how was I supposed to know anything about it? Just then I understood what the yelling was about and all I could see was black I was losing all control this was going to end bad for you William I sent the thought to Mully just before I totally blacked out surrendering to all natural vampire instinct. I was re-becoming Juicy the Fruity Ripper yep that's what they used to call me back when I did drink human blood let's just say I went after a very specific group of individuals and wasn't the neatest when I drank from them hence the ripper part of the name.

"Hey you over there I don't know your name but you might to hold him back or he'll tear that cat boy friend of yours to shreds." Narrator said I assumed he was talking to Eddie because next thing I know I'm being held back by strong tanned arms.

Well looks like we got some good drama 🎭 I absolutely love leaving you guys on a suspenseful cliffhanger it allows me: 

A) Make sure you love what I'm writing 

B) Gives me time to cook up something spicy

C) I just love a good cliffhanger 

Go ahead scream at me in the comments I know you hate me for something I wrote in this chapter so go ahead rant it out it's healthy for one to vent that shit out. 🌈💚💙

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