The Panic of People In Love

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Josh's Perspective

"Hey dawg there's something you might want to know about your man." Eddie was saying as he rushed over to me before I could start walking home.

"Okay spill it Eddie." I spoke with a little bit of anxiety in my voice, as I was sure it wasn't going to be good just looking at his face. 

"Okay keep in mind no one knows if it's true but my entire history class thinks that the history teacher and Juicy are hooking up. I personally don't think so they look like really close friends." Eddie was telling me news I had heard from Mully who had called me from our ho e as he only did half days. 

When I finally got about halfway home the only thing I wanted to do was find somewhere I could be alone and just break down. The only place my mind could come up with was the cemetery. Now I could never bring myself to enter the older half of the cemetery because I believed there were unsettled spirits there I know it sounds ridiculous but hey what can I say to convince people that it's true. 

I entered the Celestial Falls Cemetery and once I felt I was far enough away from where people might see me I sat down and cried for what felt like an eternity. I didn't even sense a life forms until I heard the narrating toned voice asking me a question.

"Hey you okay? What's wrongI think I might be able to help?"

I looked up to see what looked like a friendly and concerned stranger but this stranger looked oddly familiar but at that moment I couldn't place where I knew it from. 

"Um you probably won't understand my problem at all sir but thanks for caring to ask." I said kindly hoping he would leave he did not.

"Try me I've heard pretty much everything you could imagine. Oh and so you don't feel the need to call me sir my name is Narrator." the kind stranger spoke with an air of confidence.

"Okay so this really mysterious and very delicious looking student who started this year at my school may or may not be hooking up with the equally mysterious history teacher. I mean it's fine by me it's not as if I have a crush on him or anything. I just feel like I want to get to know him but I'm not sure what to say." I ranted and it actually felt good to talk to this Narrator dude because it's not like he knew whom I was talking about or could tell anyone about what I said.

"Okay child you clearly do like this mystery student and if you really want to know if he's banging the history teacher or not which I can tell you is unlikely he will say he is just ask him. Remember this piece of advice if your calm and don't over think what you're going to say you have a high percentage of success." Narrator said and I was surprised that he seemed so easily confident of the whole hooking up with the history teacher thing was untrue as if he knew something more but wouldn't tell me.

I got home a little late and was happy to see that Eddie and Gabby were there for our taco Tuesday dinner.

"Your late Josh did something happen?" Gabby asked, as I usually am the first one at the table waiting for everyone else. 

"Sorry guys I just had the most therapeutic talk with this kind stranger named Narrator. His face looked so familiar it's kinda killing me to be honest." I explained.

"Dawg did he look like anything like this?" Eddie asked sliding me his phone that had the website up and the face I had seen in the cemetery. The man I had been talking to in the cemetery had known more then he let on because he was the famous rumoured teacher.

Juicy's Perspective

When I got home to the cabin, I flung myself on the bed screaming into the pillow. I did this because hearing the thoughts in poor Josh's mind when his pal told him the rumour that flew across the school felt like a million white ash wood stakes going through my hearts. I was screaming so loud I didn't hear when Narrator entered my room I only knew he was there because he peeled me off the bed and into a werewolfy hug.

"You don't have to worry about a thing Juicy." He spoke quietly knowing I could hear him due to my vampire senses.

"No I have every right to worry because Josh hates me now and I haven't even spoken a damn word to him Narrator." I screamed at him in frustrated sadness.

"He doesn't hate you I just spoke to the lad in the cemetery before getting here." Narrator said in a stern yet loving tone.

" Well you didn't hear his screaming panicking  thoughts and I did. He is so upset by the rumour that I don't know if I should even say yes to his unasked question." I whined. 

"Well what's the unasked question." Narrator asked clearly wanting to know everything so he could analyze for an answer.

"He wants to ask me if I'll help him finish the plans for the beginning of the school year party." I said coolly. 

"Juicy I think you already know the answer so just say it. You know it's funny you and him are worried about the same thing. You are both worried about screwing up by saying the wrong thing." He snickered to himself. 

I rather wanted to punch him but he had a fair point Josh has the same fear that I do. This fear thing is new for me because I always saw myself as not being able to fear anything due to the many centuries I have lived through.

Sorry for the long delay for uploading I was sick and just didn't have the energy to transfer this from a 2002 Compaq to here but I'll be doing a triple upload to make up for it while yes still being sick  but I have the energy so here's to a triple upload 🍻

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