The Scheme and The Rumour

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Josh's Perspective 

When I got home, I ran to my loose floorboard and yanked it up revealing a green leather journal flipping through pages of entries until I found a blank page writing:

September 8th

So today was not what I expected there was this cute new lad at the school and boy did he ever stare at me as if I was a snack. No not in the "Oh yeah he's quite attractive" snack way more like " Please let me taste your blood" kinda way, I know it sounds crazy but that's how it honestly felt. Even if he meant it that way part of me didn't care the reason behind not caring was that I would at least die seeing a nice face. Anyways I didn't catch his name as I had arrived late to first period. So tomorrow the mission is find Eddie and find out if he shared any classes with Mr. Fine and if he knew something about him. I have to stop writing now I can smell something burning it's got to be Mully burning our dinner again we're going to have to order Chinese.

I threw the green leather journal back replacing the floorboard and ran to the kitchen where there did indeed stand Mully holding what resembled a burnt chicken. 

"Want me to order Chinese?" I asked even though I had already done it. 

Mully nods with a sigh throwing out the blackened chicken. Next morning I woke up early and excited for school. I ran into Mully's room jumping on the bed to wake him up. 

"No Joshy it's to early to wake up." He whined at me like a cute puppy.

"Come on I want to get to school early to talk to Eddie before classes start." I practically screamed in excitement at him. I pretty much looked like one of those anime girls skipping along on my way to school.

"EDDIEEEE!" I yelled when I spotted him.

"Hey dawg what's up? Eddie asked clearly concerned that I was excited to be at school and even more so this early in the morning.

"Did you have any classes with the new guy yesterday?" I asked practically shaking in hopes of a yes. 

"Si si his name is Juicy and he don't talk much he's actually quite the silent type." Eddie responded kindly.

I had a plan to get Juicy to talk and it involved me telling him that I wanted him to help me plan the beginning of the year party. It wasn't a total lie because there was a party but the planning was already done because Eddie and gabby choose the theme already all that was left to decide was where to throw the party. I sat in quantum physics practicing exactly what I was going to say when class ended so that it would one out right. 

Now I hadn't been paying much attention when the teacher Mr.Dose called on me to answer a question he had just asked.

"Josh I'll ask you again do you know the equation for creating a quantum vortex and why it's dangerous?"

I sat there not answering because in all honesty, I didn't think anyone would know the answer unless your related to freaking Einstein.

"This is why your generation is unintelligent because you guys don't pay attention to your elders you would rather play sports and whatever it is you stupid kids do these days. Do you know what kids your age were doing in school during the Italian Renaissance? They would be fluent in four languages and doing all their lessons in Latin plus studying science, they would have no time for fun and games." Mr.Dose ranted.

"Excuse me sir but your wrong." a soft voice spoke it was Juicy's voice and the teacher didn't looked pleased by what he just said. 

"I beg your pardon?" Mr. Dose gasped.

"I said your wrong students during the Italian Renaissance were encouraged to play sports and have fun but were also expected to study just as hard." Juicy responded with a smug smile adding " I'm sure if you reviewed some more books on it you'll find I'm right."

I was shocked he had the balls to say that and by the time class ended I had forgotten what I had wanted to tell him.

Juicy's Perspective

I couldn't stop myself from making the teacher look like a fool when he kept interrogating the students on things they hadn't yet learned yet. Moreover, I finally had to or at least that's what I'm currently telling myself now as I walked to history for why I snapped when the teacher couldn't even get an answer out of Josh.

Since I was the only student in the class room now besides Narrator I decided we needed to talk about how I was going to convince the school why I had to skip two days. I shut the door and locked it putting the window cover up.

"Your going to make them think we're doing something we shouldn't be." Narrator said in his deep teacher's voice.

"Let them think what they want I don't care if you don't. Anyways on a serious note what am I supposed to say to the school about being absent for two days. I can't just walk up and say sorry can't come to school got to steal some human blood from the hospital to keep my should be dead body alive." I said as quickly as possible and I actually didn't want the student body to spread a rumour that the hot history teacher was having sex with the mysterious and equally hot  new student.

"Hahah that's easy just make up a religious holiday and say you can't come to school for the next two days. I use this trick all the time on a full moon when people ask to hang out or go on a date. Trust me it will work and if not you can always use that compelling trick you vampires have." He replied calmly. 

I walked over to the door unlocking it and letting the other students in. They all seemed to be thinking exactly what Narrator implied they would and I just looked at him and winked playfully licking my lips. Might as well make their day a little eventful after all school is boring I thought to myself your going to regret that as I read Eddie's mind when he went by.

Sorry I meant to have this uploaded yesterday but it took longer than expected to transfer this and I hope it was worth the wait. Anyways hoping to get the next part uploaded tomorrow but yet again no promises that it will be on time but trust me I'm trying to get all of it transferred from my 2002 Compaq to here.  

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