Best Damn Day To Exist ⚠️Smut⚠️

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Josh's Perspective

God if I knew being bitten by a vampire was this hot I would have searched up vampire porn much sooner because god this feels like heaven. I honestly wasn't entirely sure how this sex thing worked but I was just gonna let it happen however it was going to. I began whimpering wanting more from Juicy who was behind me sucking and leaving a mark on my neck. I decided to give him a massive hint on what I wanted by grinding back on him. He let out a low satisfied snarl and began unbuckling my rainbow studded belt and pulling on the chains of my graphic chain cropped top hoodie. He was going to slow so I finished unzipping my white ripped skinny jeans, he unattached his mouth from my neck so that I could turn around to unbutton his black hooded cloak he wore exposing his sexy torso. I ran my hands down his muscular yet slim frame pulling at the edge of his baggy gothic cargo pants. In vampire speed we were both naked and admiring each other's bodies I quickly turned my back to Juicy because I felt I didn't look that good for him to stare at me the way he was.

"Your perfect Josh stop being so hard on yourself." Juicy spoke softly in my ear rubbing his hands down my entire body. I began shivering in pleasure all over again. I just wanted him why did he have to be such a tease.

"Oh god damn it Juicy just fuck me already." I moaned loudly.

Shit I hadn't meant to be so demanding he probably thinks I'm a top now. I really wanna slap myself right now. 

Juicy's Perspective

Wow Josh makes sex hot by being a bossy bottom that's for sure nothing boring over here.I obviously knew he was a bottom he didn't have to scream think it you could just tell by looking at him and you instantly got bottom vibes. Now I know I've said it multiple times that I've lived for centuries but I've never been this romantic with another male sure I've made out with tons of guys but they all by the end of the night wounded up dead old me was a savage beast.

"Josh" I said softly in his ear.

"Mmmmm" Josh whimpered out.

"You promise to let me know if I'm hurting you right?" I asked weakly.

"Don't be stupid you know you couldn't possibly do that unless I begged you to." Josh said seductively. 

We ended up having what Josh called the world's most supernatural sex ever. I'm sure he was just being nice because I totally exposed my lack of knowledge in being with a male. 

"Hey Juicy we should probably actually discuss party planning we don't have much time before the day comes." Josh said reminding me why we were here in the first place.

"Yeah so what's the theme?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Red Carpet Glam it was Gabby's idea I swear." Josh said giggling.

"So why don't we have it at the old mansion on the edge of town it screams glam to me." I suggested making a mental note to go there and clean up the abandoned mansion.

"Your fucking kidding me right? That old building definitely has a shit ton of unsettled spirits." Josh said visibly shaking with fear. 

"Oh come on don't tell me the boy who didn't even know the supernatural was walking around him has been a believer of unsettled spirits this whole time." I said laughing to myself. 

" I believe in spirits with unfinished shit deal with it Fruity." Josh said sticking his tongue out he looked so cute.

"Fruity?" I questioned with a laugh.

"Yeah you smell like fruit." Josh commented casually.

I hadn't planned on walking Josh home but he insisted and I couldn't say no to those sexy bright blue Australian puppy dog eyes. On our way there though I explained to Josh that I couldn't just walk in he had to invite me inside.

"Well no shit Sherlock your allowed in." Josh said when we were about two blocks away from his house." 

"That's not how it works Dr. Watson we have to be at your doorstep." I said in my best Sherlock impression whilst I was dying of laughter from him calling me Sherlock.

When we got to his doorstep he grabbed my hand with his perfectly painted nails they were painted red with multicoloured sparkles.

"Okay my gothic prince you may enter my kingdom." Josh said dramatically causing me to giggle like a child.

"Hey Josh I made......" Mully began but stopped talking when he saw that Josh wasn't alone and had a ever darkening mark on his neck shit we forgot to cover it up is what I was thinking at that moment.

"Hey Mullykins this is Juicy. Juicy my best mate Mully feel free to give him a weird nickname he loves it." Josh said with a teasing tone.

"Hey I told you not to call me that it's too adorable for me." Mully joked back.

They sat at the dining room table and eat the impressive five cheese Mac and Cheese the world has ever tasted made by no other than Mully the man who is famous for burning chicken. I nudged Josh's leg under the table hoping he would understand what I meant he did.

"So Mully I've noticed you've been a bit distant these past few months like before the school year is there something you wanna tell me?" Josh asked while I left to find the bathroom so that they could have the conversation alone. 

Of course I couldn't be helped from hearing the conversation all the way up the stairs the wonders of supernatural hearing.

"Ummmmmm....... There's nothing to discuss." Mully said nervously I could literally hear his hand shaking with the fork in it hitting the plate.

"THATS BULLSHIT MULLY AND YOU KNOW HOW I KNOW ITS BULLSHIT MATE YOUR MOUTH TWITCHES AT THE CORNERS LIKE A GLITCH ON A MONITOR!" Josh was screaming. (Short people screaming is scary this is coming from a 4"11.5' person)

I was laughing in the bathroom up stairs at a thought Mully had he was questioning to put his hands up in surrender or tell Josh to arrest him for the crime of lying to your best mate. He obviously choose the first option because from what I've gathered Mully was quite the coward when Josh got angry.

"Okay okay stop getting your panties in a bunch but I've been hiding something from you since the day we meet." Mully started but stopped not knowing how to continue so I sent a probing thought you've got this chicken shit just tell the poor boy your secrets. "Okay here goes nothing Josh I'm not human."

"Wait if your not human what are you Mully because I already know werewolves exist and so do vampires so what are you a freaking elf?" Josh asked in open wonder. Wow this kid just doesn't have a sense of danger in the supernatural he just keeps marveling at it all I thought. 

"Well why don't we call Eddie and Gabby over and get him to undo the spell he cast." Mully said dialling the number.

"So Eddie is a Wizard?" Josh asked.

"Not exactly Luv your friend Eddie is a mexorcist/sorcerer/shapeshifter he prefers the form of a humanoid electric mouse while his girlfriend Gabby is a witch of high status in the supernatural realm." I said walking back into the room gracefully.

"Ima take a wild guess here and say your the vampire." Mully stated. 

"Yes fear me." I jokingly said.

Eddie arrived with Gabby some Taco Bell was spoken and a very audible gasp was heard.

"OH MY FAIRYBREAD YOUR A NEKO MULLY!" Josh practically squealed.

It took forever but here you go fools. I'm joking your not fools dawg your all very special to me every time I see a read I literally do a little dance. That's gay 😂. I know it seems I keep forgetting to upload but this time I was taking a mental break and now I'm back please forgive me for taking so long though. 🌈💚💙

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