Part 2: You Stayed

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Trigger Warning!! 

-Mentions Of Abuse. 

I woke up the next morning with an arm secured tightly around my waist. I carefully moved myself away from JJ before getting up trying not to wake him. I went into the kitchen and started picking things up and just cleaning up for them. I can't believe they let themselves live like this. I went to the fridge and I couldn't find anything other than beer and my old juiceboxs from when I came to visit months ago. So I decided instead I was going to take everyone out to eat.

First, I'll wake up Kiara giving her first dips on the bathroom. Girl code. Living with 3 teenage boys is not easy.

I go over to her and gently nudge her.

"Kie get up and get ready. We're doing something" I say softly.

"I'm up. I'm up" Kiara mumbles hardly coherantly.

Next, Pope. Just because he's the easiest to wake up aside from Kie.

"Pope-sicle wake up we're going out. Meet at the twinkie in 20 minutes" I said giving him a soft hug once he stood up.

Next, John B. I hate waking John B up but considering my options are John B or JJ I'll do John B first. I sat down next to where he was sleeping and nudged him gently.

"Go away" he whinned so me being his annoying little sister. I just pushed him a little harder causing him to fall off the bed.

"Bitch" he muttered standing up and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Love you too" I smiled

"Why am I awake this early?" he questioned

"We're going out get ready and meet at the twinkie in 20 minutes.

Lastly, JJ.

I walked into my dads room or I guess JJ's room now. And I sit down next to him. He rolls over sensing my presence causing him to dig his face into my lap.

"Lay back down. I wanna cuddle" JJ whines.

"Noo. We've gotta get up" I reply running my fingers through his knotty blonde hair.

"Wait- you stayed?" he said realization dawning on him as he realized what was happening.

"I told you I would didn't I?" I ask with a smile.

"That's true. Why'd you wake me up?" he said snuggling closer to me.

"We're going out" I said

"Like a date?" his eyes widened.

"No. Everyone is going. So we can hangout" I replied.

"Can I at least sit next to you?" he asked digging through his drawers.

"Only if your at the twinkie in 15 minutes" I replied before walking to go wait in the twinkie.

After breakfast John B and JJ disappeared god knows where. So Pope, Kiara, and I just went home.

"Hey Baylee?" Kiara asked

"Mhm" I said acknowledging that I heard her.

"I have a question and you totally don't have to answer but just between us why'd you get so weirded out with people trying to touch you last time you came down? I mean like I remember how you and JJ used to be. You two couldn't keep your hands off each other" She asked. Which I mean I guess is valid.

"If I tell you two you have to promise you won't tell anyone. No one. Not even John B and escpecially not JJ" I told Pope and Kiara.

"I promise" Kiara and Pope said at the same time.

"So, all this time I've been with my mom as I'm sure you guys know. But for starters my mom isn't a great person and she doesn't hang around great people either. She didn't like me because I reminded her to much of my dad. But, she also wouldn't let me come back to outer banks. So everytime I tried to leave. She took out a gun and shot someone in the head stating that's what she'd do to the pogues and my dad if I ever left. So I stayed. One day my mom was god knows where but she made her boyfriend at the time keep an eye on me. He uh- He wasn't a good guy and he um. I'll just show you." I said stopping. I took a deep breath before lifting up my shift gently to show them the burns and bruises all over my stomach. I watched as their eyes filled with tears but kept going.

"He did that because I ate something. He said I didn't deserve to eat. Among doing that he also did other things occasionally but that's not something I should share right now" I stated gently adjusting my shirt. Kiara came and hugged me and then Pope followed. After a while we pulled away and I turned aroud to find JJ standing at the door.

"Jayj hey. Where'd you guys disapear to?" I asked praying he hadn't heard what I just told Kiara and Pope. He just pulled me into a hug. Great he did hear.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" he mumbled into my hair.

"I was trying to protect you" I whispered.

"I don't need protection. I can handle your demons and your darkness" he spoke softly pulling away from me.

"Promise?" I said sticking my pinky out

"I pinky promise" he said linking out pinkys together.

"Where'd Kiara and Pope disappear to?" I asked softly.

"I think they just wanted to give us some space in case I like freaked out or something" JJ replied tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What about John B?" I asked curious as to why the two boys left together but didn't come back together.

"Said he had to go handle something at work and he'd be back in an hour than we have a story to tell you guys" JJ replied slowly but surely inching closer towards me.

"Jayj what are we doing?" I breathed out.

"I don't know" he whispered.

"fuck it" I said placing my lips on his. He didn't kiss back for a minute but he didn't pull away either but once he figured out what was happening he kissed me back. Instead of last time where I was only kissing him to distract myself this time I was kissing him because I wanted to. Because I've always been in love with JJ Maybanks. We pulled away from each other both of us had a huge grin on their face.

"We should propably not doing this out in the open" I said softly. He nodded before we walked inside and waited for John B to get back.

Author's Note 

I wish I could say JJ and Baylee kiss and live happily ever after but just be prepared that they aren't going to be in a stable relationship for a while. ALSO you finally learnt a little about Baylee's past. Girl does not have it easy and that's not even the worst of it. 

Also the first part seems very cringy and I don't know if  I like it or not. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!!

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