Chapter 3

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Hey my amazing readers! Hopefully this chapter will be better than the last one!! Anyways, Thanks for reading! Also please review! :D


Roxas gazed up at the calming shadowy sky as he waited for Riku to show up. He tried to relieve his mind of worries of what might happen at the sleep over that awaited him. He wasn’t aware that he was pulling the sleeves of his hoodie down to the point that the black garment was covering his hands. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad though, maybe he could have a good time and be able to enjoy the company of his friends. He knew this probably wouldn’t be the case and thought how he shouldn’t get his hopes up. Roxas jolted a little when he heard an obnoxious honk of a car. He looked towards the red vehicle that he only just realized the presence of and waved as he saw the person in the driver’s seat was Riku. He strolled to the car and pulled the passenger seat door open.

He looked at Riku with a small smile on his face, “Hey Riku, thanks for picking me up.”

Riku smiled back at him and drove forward to his house, “Don’t mention it, you can repay me by letting me win at the poker we’re going to play later.”

Roxas laughed at the reply, “Man it’s been a long time since we’ve played poker. I wonder if my skills are just as good as they used to be.”

Riku nodded and kept his eyes fastened to the road. He thought about all the old good times he used to have with Roxas, but that was quite awhile ago. Ever since the incident Roxas had become distant, he was close, but also out of reach at the same time. What could you do though; you can’t get close to someone without their consent. Of course though it was also Riku’s fault they grew apart, he didn’t worry about Roxas with much intensity ever since he started dating Sora, who was Roxas’ cousin. Sora was always worried about Roxas. Sora had tried to help out Roxas and his aunt, but his efforts were fruitless. Before he realized it they had arrived at his house and he drove up the generally proportioned concrete driveway.

Roxas looked through the windshield to the red brick house that he hadn’t seen in a year or two. He remembered the fun times he used to have with Riku. Roxas used to come and spend the night every weekend. They would play video games, Riku always won at those, but with the lack of skill he had for video games he made up for in card games. Card games were Roxas specialty, Gold Fish, Crazy 8’s, Golf, Poker, War, Speed, and Egyptian Rat Screw, all of card games and more he beat Riku at every time. It always bewildered Riku how he could even win at the games that were pure luck. Riku even tried cheating once, Roxas still won.

He pushed the car door open and made his journey up the driveway to Riku’s front door. Riku unlocked the door to the house and stepped in, taking his shoes off. Roxas did the same. They made their way to the kitchen and spotted Sora, Axel and Demyx all waiting for their arrival.

Sora’s eyes lit up as he saw Roxas, “Roxas, it’s been forever since we did something like this!”

Roxas stood with his eyes wide as Sora ran up to him and gave him a lengthy firm hug, “Yeah I know, I’ve missed having fun with you.”

Roxas enjoyed the hug, when’s the last time he’s been hugged? Roxas had no idea when that was, surely when they were still alive, that was probably the last time. He smiled down at Sora, who pulled back and walked back to where he was previously standing and drank a glass of water he had made for himself a few minutes prior to Roxas’ and Riku’s arrival. Roxas looked to the rest of the group. He waved to Axel and Demyx who were leisurely standing in the kitchen along with them.

 Roxas realized he still had his bag tightly tucked at his side, “Hey I’m gonna go put my bag in your room, ok Riku?”

Riku nodded and started making idle conversation to the rest of the group as Roxas made his way up the stairs to Riku’s room. It looked the same, more or less. The bed was still in the middle of the wall north of him. The dresser still on the wall that was to the right of him, it all looked too familiar to Roxas. Oh how he missed those simple days that he knew would never be given back to him. He set his black bag on the wall, deciding to change into his pajamas now while everyone was downstairs. He pulled out the black and white fluffy pants and the black long sleeve shirt that went along with it. He went into Riku’s bathroom and shut the door, making sure it was locked before discarding his current clothes. He pulled off his shirt and looked into the mirror, seeing the scars that covered his torso and arms. They were all different hues and sizes. He thought back to this morning and looked at the raised red skin of his forearm. He gently ran his fingers over the open wounds, taking pleasure in the feeling of them.

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