Chapter 5

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Roxas pulled the door to Game Stop open effortlessly and walked inside silently. He was surprised to see a boy with short and layered dark grey hair. From the angle the Roxas was standing he could only see the back of his head. He thought about what he should do, wondering if he should greet the boy or not, but his thoughts were put to rest as the boy turned around, he must’ve noticed that the door opened and assumed it was a customer. The grey haired boy eyed him for a second; when he noticed the shirt that identified him as a worker he turned back around, sticking his nose in the book he was reading beforehand.

Roxas’ gaze was stuck to the icy blue eyes that looked him up and down. He felt as if they could see right through him and were immediately analyzing him. The boy’s eyes looked cold, almost like they were unforgiving. He wondered if that’s what his eyes would look like if he let his guard down. He then realized he probably looked like an idiot, just standing a step inside the door, looking down, and thinking. Yep that’s most likely what he looked like to the new worker, if he was still looking at him after the initial eye contact. Roxas looked up. He wasn’t. Roxas walked forward and into the ‘Employees Only’ door. That was when he came to, to the fact that he didn’t bring anything to entertain himself. Damnit, normally he brought a bag with his DS Lite or his sketchbook in it. Oh well, maybe he could make conversation with the new guy, if he could get the guy to look up from his book that is.

Roxas quickly took a U-turn and made way to behind the counter. He walked around the new guy and stopped when he was standing behind the register closest to the door.

He turned and faced the new guy, holding out his hand, “Hi I’m Roxas, you must be new here, or is it a shift change?”

The guy lifted his head and looked at Roxas with a stoic expression and shook his head quickly, “It would be that I’m new here.  My name’s Zexion.”

Roxas nodded his head in understanding. When the blonde made no move to further the conversation Zexion returned to his book. Zexion put his thumb in the page that he was on in one hand and flipped the pages he held in his other hand, estimating how much he had left of the book. The touches of the pages were contradicting in a way as they felt rough and smooth at the same time. This action was something he did often.

He thought about the school he was attending on Monday. Zexion didn’t really like the place since it was full of stupid kids, people who called him a nerd, or people who fell into both categories. He thought about the high school he would be attending a couple months from now since he would be soon moving and therefore would be going to a different school. That same reason was the why he applied for a job over here. Sure the commute was an hour from his current living arrangement, but why not get a job that would be near his future home rather than keeping the job he used to have and then scrambling for a new job when he did move? This was not a surprising act since Zexion was always one to think ahead, one to think about what was better in the long run. He was a thinker; he made the moves that would benefit him, and he did this calmly and swiftly. And that was how he would get through life, despite the issue of what he wanted to do after high school. Deciding what he would do with the rest of his life after that first chapter was one of the things he had thought about countless times, but never found a solution. Maybe he would be a house-husband or something? He shook his head at the thought and returned to the book.

As Roxas stood behind the register and pressed his hands into the counter top, pushing himself on his tippy toes he put the puzzle pieces together and realized that a position for Axel to fill here is no longer available. Not that that was a terrible thing. If Axel worked here he probably wouldn’t be able to relax. Axel would probably joke around or pull a prank on him or something, and that wasn’t something Roxas wanted to deal with, not that he took this job seriously or anything. He knew he wouldn’t spend the rest of his life working at Game Stop, he knew he wouldn’t spend the rest of his life in this town. and he knew that he wouldn’t spend the rest of his life living with his Mom who hates him. How he would get from point A, which was the life he had now, and Point B, which was the life where he didn’t live here and didn’t work here, he didn’t know. Maybe that would be what happened though? At least he was positive he wouldn’t live with his Mom for the rest of his life. Roxas would rather be homeless than being a loser who lived with their mom’s until they were 30, not that his mom would let him live there past high school anyway.

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