Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
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Red hair sprouted from all directions. Oh, how it resembled fire, it held the destruction, the passion, the complete chaos, and the rawness that was it. The face that was centered in it though, that was a different story; it was fair and angelic, it looked as if it was subduing the fire, from the core of it outwards. It was a beautiful sight, too beautiful to be on a mere man, and yet there it was, sleeping on the floor in peace. Roxas felt as if he was trapped, forever to hold a gaze on the boy below him. Still feeling a bit dazed, he knelt down on the carpet, needing to get closer to what held a tight grip on his attention. He dipped his head down a little, inching closer... closer. Soon he was only an inch away from the other boy's face, feeling the redhead's warm and sticky breath spreading against the expanse of the blonde's face. Roxas was only half aware of the breath, the other side just in awe of the sleeping male.

He studied the face, and he abruptly became conscious of small freckles that were practically unnoticeable from even a moderately close distance. These little freckles made refuge on the bridge of Axel's nose.

Roxas wasn't prepared for the emerald eyes that saw through him to pop open, meeting his gaze immediately. The blonde watched as those eyes widened and his body half jumped, this motion seemed to hammer him out of his earlier stupor.

Blue eyes watched as Axel's whole stance changed, the man now was calm and had raised an eyebrow at the boy above him, "Ahem, Roxas, you don't mind answering what you're doing at this current moment, do you?"

Roxas took the time to think for a second, contemplating whether he should just tell him the truth. He shook his head as his face promptly changed to a scarlet before answering anxiously, "Well, I-I was getting up to go take a shower, and when I looked over at you, you didn't look like you were breathing. I came to check on you."

Axel laughed, it was very gruff, and due to the sleep he'd just woken from, "Hm okay Roxie, I believe you. I'm sure you weren't admiring the looks of the hottest man on earth."

Azure eyes rolled, "Are you still dreaming, because it sure as hell sounds like it?"

Axel shifted position on the floor, he moved his hands behind his head and one leg over the other, "Oh no, Dear, I am perfectly awake; falling into consciousness with a good looking blonde directly in front of your face does that to any man. I could show you what I mean, and since I'm the sexiest man ever, it'd be even better."

Roxas just snorted and stood up, "Yep, still half asleep. I'm going to take a quick shower then we can eat and go to school, okay?"

Axel's face had the largest grin on it; his smile was a mile wide, "Yep, sure Roxie, sounds like a great plan."

The blonde narrowed his eyes at Axel, inspecting him carefully. The redhead just kept that same grin on his face, "Run along Roxie, don't want to be late for school right?"

Roxas just nodded and stepped into the bathroom with his clothes and a towel in hand. He locked the door with a 'click' and walked towards the shower, turning it on. He checked the lock again before stripping down and stepping in. He sighed loudly at the warm water, it felt good on all the sore muscles that he had accumulated from the running he had done yesterday. The good balanced out the bad though, he could feel his cuts burn a little, as they were sensitive to the water and not taking one ounce of pleasure in it. He didn't about it, he just looked down at the ground, letting the water run right over him. His sunshine hair started to turn to a daisy color and slowly started to drape around his face, some of it sticking to him. He quickly washed himself with ease and turned the shower off.

Right when Roxas had locked the door to the bathroom, Axel got to work. He had no intention of taking the small boy to school today. It was pretty laughable that Roxas thought he was going there, at least in Axel's opinion. Oh, it didn't really make a difference though as he hurriedly paced toward his dresser and pulled out some clothes. He snagged a black and red flannel sweater with sleeves that were rolled up to his elbow, a black wife beater, and some black jeans to finish off the outfit. He quickly dressed himself with as much grace as a crazy pyro of an 18 year old would, which mind you, wasn't very much. After that fiasco, he hurdled down the stairs and into the kitchen. He looked in the silver steel sink and saw 2 coffee mugs, on top of the other dishes, that must mean his parents have already left for work. Great that meant things should work out smoothly. Axel then thought about what he should do next, a growl of his stomach answered that question quite smoothly. He pulled out the pancake mix and got to work acquiring the ingredients from the fridge or pantry. He measured said ingredients and poured them in an appropriately sized bowl. He equipped himself with a wooden spoon and stirred it lazily while his mind wandered elsewhere.

He thought about how he should plan this day out. Should they go to the mall? An amusement park maybe? What about a book store? Axel attempted to figure out where he should take the blonde. Would he like to go the movies? The redhead decided that the day was young and that they could go to multiple places. He absentmindedly pulled out a pan and set it on the stove.

When he did this he became aware of footsteps coming down the stairs. While attempting to turn around he slipped on the tiled kitchen floor. He felt almost in slow motion as he tried to grab on to something to stable him. He let out what Axel describes as a, 'manly noise of surprise' when he finally hit the ground.

Roxas, who had made his way to the kitchen entrance, let out a continuous laugh at Axel as he sat on the floor, rubbing his ass that had apparently been hurt. The redhead mumbled at the amused boy, saying something about how friends aren't supposed to laugh when another one gets hurt.

This only makes Roxas laugh more until he notices the pancakes, "Oh are you making pancakes? Can I have one, if you don't mind."

Axel gets up and smirks, "I don't know Roxas, you did laugh at me earlier. I guess I can forgive you for that if you tell me that I'm the best."

Roxas raises his eyebrow, and contemplates for a moment, "Fine, looks like I won't be eating."

Axel frowns and silently makes 2 pancakes. The redhead knows how the boy already isn't an appropriate weight and how stubborn he is, so he decides to just let him slide. He snatches two plates from the cupboard above him and dispatches both pancakes on separate plates.

Roxas is surprised when Axel sets a plate in front of him, "Axel the great and powerful, has mercy on you. He knows that not all are willing to accept his greatness for it is hard for mere mortals to understand."

The blonde rolls his eyes once more and says in a sarcastic tone, "Oh thank god Axel the great and powerful is so kindhearted."

The smirk has replaced his frown with a smirk, "No need to thank me."

Roxas mumbles, "Whatever, thanks."

Axel just grunts before digging into his breakfast. Neither says much until they get into Axel's vehicle. Roxas studies the wide smile that's formed on Axel's face, though he just writes it off as him being excited to be in school. Yeah, that's all it was, school.

The redhead turns and looks at Roxas when he takes a road that leads in the opposite direction of the school.

He listens with a smirk to Roxas saying, "Axel, what are you doing?"


Okay so because the next ones I can't just copy and paste like these last ones it'll take longer. Truthfully I don't know how long. I don't really have much time to write but I'll try, okay?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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