Chapter 7

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Roxas set his tray down silently on the table, trying to make as little noise as possibly. He didn’t want to add any more unnecessary vibrations than there already were in the immense and loud lunch room. He was stuck with Axel to his left and Namine to his right, hmm that wasn’t too bad. He glued a smile to his face and started talking about how the test in math was easy.

His cousin groaned, “Roxas, math’s always easy for you. Let me ask you this; is it easy for us average people?”

Larxene smirked, “I think he means less than average.”

Sora  glared at Larxene when Namine cut in, “Yep, it was pretty easy.”

Sora cheered, let go of Riku’s hand which was previously intertwined with his own, and put his hands up as if he was praying, “Thank God, my Mom knows math isn’t my best subject, but she said I’d be grounded if I got another 70 on my math test.”

Riku then ruffled Sora’s hair and told him he would come over and tutor him, for real this time. They then re-intertwined their hands and went back to the position they were in before, with Sora laying his head down on his hand and Riku’s.

Roxas was then started staring off into space. He had another test during 5th today, History. God how Roxas hated history, that was his one academic weakness. He always had to cram the night before, in fact besides his nightmare, that’s why he was exhausted more than usual. He thought about the word that was carved into his lower stomach as of last night. He sort of liked it there; it made him feel as if at least in some way he wasn’t in his façade about how he saw himself.

When he thought about the word he was brought back to one of the first times he was called it. His mom had been yelling at him. It was years ago, before Vanitas death.

He didn’t remember what he had done to get that treatment all he could do was imagine the angry expression on her face,

“You know Roxas, you’re pathetic! Your Dad and I should’ve just aborted you like we had planned!”

Ouch, that had stung, it stung a lot. Roxas remembered how he had felt at the time so unwanted, so useless. His Mom didn’t really yell at him at the time so it definitely hurt.

He listened to what his Mother had to say then he had just dragged himself upstairs, trying to not let himself go haywire. He closed the door as softly as he could. He then set himself softly on the bed and just sat there, staring at the plaid comforter. He sat there with his legs criss-crossed. It didn’t register in his mind that the salty tears started falling until he felt them softly pool in his hands until they slipped through the cracks and onto the blanket.

He felt a soft knock on his door, “Roxas, are you ok?”

It was his brother Vanitas. Vanitas wasn’t very close to Roxas, as he normally made an insult to him every time Roxas was near. Though all that was disregarded when Vanitas gave Roxas a hug and comforted him. That was Vanitas, loved to make fun of you but was there to take care of you.

Roxas felt those emotions surface. A frown tried to push its way to Roxas face. He kept it at bay and settled for a straight face as he stared off into the sea of other kids, not really paying attention to anything around him.

Axel wasn’t super engaged into the conversation at the table, though he did put in a witty comment with a smirk in from time to time. What really caught his attention and held it in a tight grip was the blonde sitting to the right of him. Axel studied the boy’s eyes, finding himself trapped in them. He fought against it and analyzed the emotions in them instead. He could see it. The depression. It was all clear for him to see right in that moment, there like an open book, waiting to be explored. He turned and looked left and right, as if to make sure his actions of reading Roxas weren’t being watched. The blonde’s idle face regained Axel’s attention.

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